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Vagabond Family Travels Back East

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Wade Shepard

Dec 3, 2009, 1:09:44 AM12/3/09
Hello Readers of Vagabond,

Vagabond Family Travels Back East

I have now finished working on the archaeology projects in Arizona, and have set my sights on traveling back across the USA. Three months ago I traversed the country on my own, this time I am with my wife, Chaya, and our three month old baby, Petra.

Traveling with a baby is challenging.

Read about our travels and travails at

Chaya has also began blogging about traveling pregnant through the Balkans and the Middle East at

If you know of someone who is interested in learning more about budget travel, or is interested in traveling with an infant or with a family please refer them to Vagabond

If you have a blog yourself, please write a post about us!

If you have any questions, ask us on your own website! Just email us the questions and post the answers.



Vagabond Family in Tucson
How to travel the world with a family in times of economic crisis

TUCSON, Arizona - Do you dream of traveling the world? Think that you don't have the money? Don't know where to get started? Is having a family or children holding you back? Then consult the Vagabond traveling family for tips and advice on how you can begin your world travels.

For ten years, Wade Shepard has been perpetually traveling the world. Through 45 countries on 5 continents, he has traveled on a budget of under $6,000 a year. Chaya, Wade's traveling companion, has completed four years of traveling through Central America, Africa, and Asia. In the summer of 2009, Wade and Chaya were married in Maine, and they had their first child in August. But having a family has not detered Wade and Chaya from their traveling lifestyle. Now, traveling all together, the vagabond family has made their way to Tucson, Arizona.

More information:

Wade and Chaya travel the world as hobos, they go from city to city, country to country in search of work. Wade has worked as an archaeologist in nearly 20 US states, Honduras, and Ecuador, a gardener in Ireland and Maine, an organic farmer, an ESL teacher in Japan and China, and as a traveling journalist around the world. Chaya has found work as a child care specialist in South Africa, El Salvador, and all around the USA. The family came to Arizona so that Wade could pick up work as an archaeologist -- a profession that he has been plying around the world for the past 9 years. The family traveled together out to Wade's archaeology projects in the Sonoran Desert as well as in the Tonto Forest. But now the archaeology fieldwork has come to an end, and the vagabond family has now saved up enough money to resume their international travels. In early 2010, they will be traveling south to El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, and Cuba before traveling back to Asia to search for work as English teachers.  

From November 30th to December 7th, Wade, Chaya, and their 3 month old daughter, Petra, will be around the Tucson area, and will be available for any press/ media inquiries or interviews about how   .

How are you able to travel the world for so long?

This is the question most asked of Wade and Chaya during their travels. The answer to this question is published daily on their website, This is the website where Wade and Chaya share information and tips on how to travel the world with a small budget, how to make money to travel, how to find work when traveling, how to travel with an infant, as well as many other travel topics.

The family has been meeting with press and media on their journey across the USA to discuss the option of budget travel as a way of making ends meet in times of economic crisis, how most people in the USA can make money to travel the world, how traveling abroad for work is a good option in a bad economy, as well as suggesting ways in which a family with children can still live out their dreams of world travel.

Wade and his wife, Chaya, both blog regularly of their world travels. The topics of their blog entries often include how to travel while pregnant, how to travel cheaply, what foods to eat to save money, explanations of geo-political and cultural differences, as well as information about traveling with an infant. Their blog also contain thousands of photos, travel stories, tips, and daily reports from a family's life on the road. Wade's blog is at, and Chaya writes a mommy travel blog called Travels with Petra at

Wade and family will be meeting with the press around Tucson from Monday, November 30th to December 7th. If you would like to sceduale a meeting or interview their contact information is as follows:

Contact Wade and Chaya by telephone.
(207) 951-0400

Contact by email.

For more press/ media information.


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Vagabond is one of the top independent travel websites on the internet. It has more than 70,000 readers per month and has been featured on CBS 5 News Phoenix, 105.1 The EDGE Albuquerque, De Pers Magazine (Holland), Verge Magazine (Canada), Rolf Potts',, as well as Andy Graham's

Read the Vagabond press kit at,


Walk Slow,

Wade from

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