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Back in Dominican Republic from Haiti

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Wade Shepard

Mar 11, 2010, 9:24:57 PM3/11/10
I owe an apology to the readers of this newsletter. Simply put, writing a newsletter on the small keypad of a Blackberry Tour did not work out either. I wrote one newsletter and somehow managed to push an errant button and erase the entire thing before I gave the task up as being lost.

The Blackberry is, apparently, only efficient as a blogging tool when I write the entry on the computer and then transfer the text and photos over to the device to publish. Writing anything lengthy is not something that I can readily do on the small keypad -- it just frustrates me.

To these ends, I must apologize to the readers who I told that I would be publishing newsletter updates from my travels in Haiti.

I have returned to the Dominican Republic now, and am currently putting up a series of articles on Haiti at

Thank you for your understanding.

Walk Slow,

Wade from

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