The real purpose of this Google group

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John Davidson

Jun 23, 2013, 9:34:39 AM6/23/13
Why has the AVN setup this google group?

It is not to foster debate, as the AVN does not want an intelligent, reasoned debate about their views as they know they would not survive such a process. So what, exactly, is it for?

The AVN knows that a google group like this will not have a wide audience, unlike Facebook. What they want to do is corral the views of people into an AVN-controlled environment, knowing that while people are posting here, their efforts to expose the AVN falsehoods to the general public will be diminished.

In this regard, the AVN assigns particular people to "keep you busy". These people post ridiculous messages (such as "Homeopathy cures Type 1 Diabetes") to keep you distracted and waste time that could be better spent educating the general public to the fabrications of the AVN. This is a page out of the Scientology playbook. The idea is that if you can't stop people saying things you don't want the general public to hear, then you attempt to control how the information is distributed so as few members as possible of the general public hear it.

Of course, the AVN can't control everything people say, but this group is one attempt to do so. Not as effective as the AVN thinks, but is a distraction for people whose intelligent comments are better directed elsewhere. After all, you don't think that any post here will actually change the mind of an AVN member, do you? The word "debate" implies that posts here may have the ability to do just that. But cult members are not converted by logic, intelligence, or facts. All you can do against the AVN is to make sure that any statement made by them in general media is countered by the facts.

If you see a local newspaper article questioning the value of vaccination, ask the editor where the story has come from. There is a good chance the AVN is behind it, even if it does not say so. If you see a pro-vaccination news story "balanced" by an anti-vaccination AVN view, make sure that contact the relevant media outlet to make sure they understand that "balance" does not mean showcasing a view that has been discredited over and over again, and has been shown to be harmful if followed. After all, we would not tolerate an anti-smoking view being "balanced" by the view from a tobacco company saying that they have proof that smoking is good for you, but they are not going to let you see that evidence, or evaluate it for yourself.

Simply put, don't post in this forum if you a pro-vaccination, pro-science, and pro-children. Doing so just plays into the AVNs hands.

I expect this post will not survive long. The AVN have a fierce aversion to the truth, and will not like their little game to be exposed.


Jun 28, 2013, 8:22:17 PM6/28/13
"Of course, the AVN can't control everything people say,"

Quite possibly the only thing in this entire post that isn't sheer abject lunacy.

Apparently you think the AVN is part of a vast worldwide conspiracy and we are doing everything in our power to shut down debate over this issue in Australia. 

And not that it matters given that reason clearly isn't one of your strong points but the guy who moderates this page believes in vaccinations.

Still, I reckon you are more attached to reality than Harry P is though John.

"After all, we would not tolerate an anti-smoking view being "balanced" by the view from a tobacco company saying that they have proof that smoking is good for you, but they are not going to let you see that evidence, or evaluate it for yourself."

Yes that's right. Because over and over again Meryl and others constantly implore people not to do any research and just trust them as they are the experts, vaccine defenders on the other hand never, ever rely on authority.

I can't make you people up.

And believe me, we are very glad that your posts survive. You have an unbelievable advantage by way of every government in the world being on your side but your disadvantage is the people who have taken up the cause so vociferously. 


Jul 29, 2013, 2:28:24 AM7/29/13
This is just a quick note to advise that I will not be approving any further posts on this thread, nor on any other threads that are not directly pertinent to vaccination or the diseases they target. This allows us to continue the discussion of the key issues.

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