Hi, Joachim....thanks for the thought.
The problem is that the database is file-based....1 file per table.
And there are over 100 files. So, yes, what you suggest would work,
but I would have to convert the 100+ files now, as I am writing the migration
routines, and then again when we actually switch the data to go live.....
A BIT time-consuming.... lol
So, I am going to do the development on XP. It just means I also
have to use an older version of VAST, with an older object model.
So, once I have finished migrating into MY database, I then have to
run a migration on a current version of VAST, to bring it up to date.
I was just hoping there might be a way to skip all of this, and connect
directly from a current VAST image.
Thanks again...