The November 2023
Va. Guzzi Riders lunch meet will be at Sanzones in Stuarts Draft, Va.
next Saturday, November 18th, 12:30P.M. Sanzones is located at
2897 Stuarts Draft Hwy., Stuarts Draft, Va. 24477. Restaurant phone #
(540) 337-3373. The menu can be seen at:
My numbers: home
(434)993-3841 (best bet to reach me). Spawn-of-Lucifer (cel)#
(434) 426-3329.
The advanced weatherguess for Stuarts Draft on the 18th is decent,
high temp in the 60's, partly cloudy. No below freezing temps Friday
night, so the ride over the ridge Saturday morning shouldn't hold any
I had my hips zapped w/radiation yesterday, feeling OK so far. VERY
hopeful of being able to get around & drive again by next Saturday
so I can join y'all for lunch.
We may not be the prettiest group, but I sure miss seeing your smiling faces!!!
See you there,