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Re: [v-vaughan-painted-today] NOLA Garden District Sketch

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Aug 12, 2015, 2:23:23 PM8/12/15
to LivingEnvirons via V-Vaughan painted TODAY
Haha!!! That's so cool!!! Next time I will stay there longer and give everyone a better warning!! 
we just now drove away from NOLA. 
I DID SOME TEE SHIRTS FOR Tulane about 10 years ago! Fun pelican and wave art!
What is Emily studying? What a great town to be a college student !!
Thanks so much for saying HELLO. 

Robin(my artist buddy) and I are ALWAYS STUDYING and discussing the current art world scene. Art is everywhere in NOLA, but so much "cheese"... We both see the paradigm shift as young people aren't as savvy about art as former collectors. They have more choices on how to spend money and many artists and galleries are reeling under this shift! 
So we decided to start a conversation with our interior designer friends and pick their brains and invite them to our studios and give them deals... Hahah
Not long ago, I took Robin to a framing place near me, to see their HUGE SHOWROOM  of big original oil canvases from Chinese sweatshops. Most are copies of works for which the real artist receives no credit or pay. 
The interior designers in that area bring their clients there to shop. :(
Any thoughts about how to get designers to know and remember my work?
I have one yearly event that a designer brings in my work. It's a VERY upscale Parade of Homes event where 4-5 top designers get to furnish a whole street of new homes in the most beautiful new locations in Austin. This usually brings me some interest!
Anyway, I'd love your great ideas if u have any!! :)

Thanks again for pointing Emily to me!
Maybe I'll meet her NEXT TIME!

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On Aug 12, 2015, at 12:45 AM, LivingEnvirons via V-Vaughan painted TODAY <> wrote:

Re: Quick color note-taking in the Garden District, NOLA, with sun setting on #Coquette. #sketchingNOLA — with Emily Anne (requested tag).
Hi, Virginia!  I shared your recent sketch on FB because I think it's really pretty and especially because I wanted to catch my granddaughter's eye and let her know you're there.  Emily is in school at Tulane, but it turns out she's not going to be in town for a while longer.  You'll see my tag request for Emily Anne, but please delete it if possible.  Thanks!   Still enjoying your work and all your paintings in our little mountain house. 
Our best to you always, 
Gail Long
Sandy Springs & Big Canoe, Georgia

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Aug 12, 2015, 2:30:59 PM8/12/15
to 'Karla' via V-Vaughan painted TODAY,
I hit "reply too many"...
I hope y'all forgive me!

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On Aug 12, 2015, at 1:25 PM, "'Karla' via V-Vaughan painted TODAY" <> wrote:

FYI went to all

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