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UX book club - Vote and save the date: Tuesday 1 June 2021

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UX Bookclub

Apr 28, 2021, 8:29:01 PM4/28/21
Hi all,

Thank you for your responses to the last survey. We are super excited to announce that we have secured a new host for the UX Book Club - ELMO Software - 27/580 George Street - next to Town Hall Station. 

Door open: 6pm - 8:30pm for drinks/pizza/conversations
Discussion time: 6:30pm

We've set a regular cadence so please diarise the first Tuesday every second month starting in June.  Note, we may make date changes on a case by case basis if UX Book Club clashes with a major Meet-Up group in the Product/Design community. 

Please vote on your choice for the next book.  Some we've read before but nonetheless they were requested by people who responded to the survey and we have no issues revisiting these gems. Due to time constraints we have made sure all these books are available for next day delivery via Amazon and have Kindle and Audible choices. 

Voting closes on Monday 3rd May - Here is the google survey link.

Books with Amazon links:

Looking forward to kick-starting this event and seeing both new and regular faces again.

Kind regards,
Duncan and Eoin
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