Fwd: [BayCHI Discussions] Five Indispensable Skills for UX Mastery? We have #5 covered!

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Christian Crumlish

Aug 5, 2010, 4:59:42 PM8/5/10
future magic filter robot please filter this on SF Bay Area:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Abi Jones
Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 7:14 AM

Have you read Jared Spool's Five Indispensable Skills for UX Mastery (
http://www.uie.com/articles/indispensable_skills)? Number 5 on his list is
"Facilitating," but how are your skills as a facilitator? Do you know how to
help your team "move closer to success with every get together"?

This Saturday, August 7, BayCHI and Heather Gold are teaming up for a
day-long workshop on Tummeling: Creating Social Engagement for Interaction
Designers. Tummeling is about facilitating via conversation.

Innovative comedian Heather Gold explains basic differences
between presentation and conversation and the assumptions underneath
each. More entertainingly (and usefully) she demonstrates these ideas
by creating a great, relevant conversation in the room so that all can feel
the difference.

Saturday, August 7, 2010
San Mateo City Library, San Mateo, CA
More Info: http://www.baychi.org/calendar/20100807/
Registration: http://baychi20100807.eventbrite.com/

Heather will explain how to tummel and how to specifically design for it.

This tutorial will emphasize how to use these techniques to design
for social engagement. The real-time web has a lot of interaction
between people, not just between people and graphics or interfaces. Learn
how to start with the social drivers to create the best space and conditions
for engagement.

"To me that was more engaging than when Steve Jobs announces the iMac"
- Matt Mullenweg to fellow UnPresenting participant
"personally transformative" -social interaction designer Adrian Chan
"inspiring" Peter-Riering  IDEO Czekalla

Then, on Tuesday August 10:

The Importance of Facial Features
Gretchen Anderson

Why Tummeling Matters: Human-Human Interaction for Social Engagement
Heather Gold

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
PARC, Palo Alto, CA
More Info: www.baychi.org/_EA

About Heather Gold:

Heather Gold is a comedian, solo performer, speaker and talk show host, best
known for her ability to work the room. She involves the people formerly
known as the audience in her shows and shares her
insights about social engagement, leading UnPresenting workshops, hosting
Tummelvision.tv and in popular keynotes at places like Google, Web 2.0 and
MacWorld. She's a long time media commentator on tech, business and culture
appearing on Tech TV, Yahoo Financevision and npr to Leo Laporte's TWIT and
quoted in places like The Wall Street Journal and Salon. Much to her
parents' delight she has degrees from Yale and Northwestern Law.
This is the BayCHI Discussions mailing list, discu...@baychi.org

Christian Crumlish

MY NEW BOOK: Designing Social Interfaces. http://designingsocialinterfaces.com
Get It. Read It. Love It. Review it. on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0596154925/
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