Google Summer of Code

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William Stein

Feb 26, 2008, 1:33:04 PM2/26/08

If you are a *student* -- either grad or undergrad -- you might want
to do Google Summer of Code.
Google would pay you at least $4500 (and a t-shirt) to work on a Sage
(or other) open source software
development project. I have applied twice in the past for support
for Sage to be a mentoring organization,
and _both_ times in the past Sage has been turned down. I think a big
reason for this is that
I haven't had a very good list of potential projects for students.
Thus by Monday, if you are
interested in doing a Google Summer of Code Project on Sage, please
write a 1-paragraph
summary of the project (along with your name), and put it here:

You must do this before Monday morning!! I will be submitting the
application for Sage Monday
morning to be in GSoC, and having this page populated will be critical.

If you don't want to bother registering or logging into the wiki, just
email me the paragraph
and I'll post it.

Some random ideas for projects:

* Document and improve the Sage Notebook; there are dozens of open tickets.
* Calculus (speed it up)
* DSage
* Differential geometry
* Arithmetic of Genus 2 curves over finite fields (for crypto say)
* Port (some part of) Sage to MS Windows
* Be or become a Cython developer
* 3d graphics -- greatly expand functionality (we implemented only
the basics on top of jmol/tachyon)
* 2d graphics -- fill in many missing gaps in functionality
* interactive 2d graphics in the notebook

Each person involved in GSoC will have a mentor. If you would be
interested in mentoring
Sage-related projects, please also post your name at
or email me.

* If project looks really good and Sage isn't selected as a mentor
organization, there
are various tricks to get the project funded anyways, e.g., through
another organization
like the Python Software Foundation. Sympy got five projects funded
this way last year.
Sage has *never* had any projects funded this way.
* You must work on this full time during the summer -- you absolutely
can't also have a summer internship at Microsoft, say, or also be in an REU.
* You can be from anywhere in the world.
* Chris DiBona, the "open source program manager at Google" personally emailed
me in January that he wants Sage to be in GSoC this year, so I think
our chances are
high this time around.

-- William

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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