China resellers

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James Murdza

Jul 21, 2022, 1:00:20 AM7/21/22
Dear Cocoaheads,

We are discussing with a Chinese reseller about an agreement to resell our macOS app for the Chinese market. They sell hundreds of other apps, mostly that I don’t know except Bartender, Little Snitch, and a few more. However the commission is fairly high at 35%. 

Anyone have any experience in such a case? Or does anyone sell indie apps in China?


Jim Matthews

Jul 22, 2022, 12:29:47 PM7/22/22
to noreply-spamdigest via Upper Valley Cocoaheads
I haven’t sold apps in China. Years ago I worked with a Japanese company that localized Fetch to Japanese and marketed it there. They paid me a royalty, I think it was about 25% of sales. So getting 65% of the revenue from a Chinese reseller doesn’t sound bad, but I don’t know what other options might be available to you.


David Kopec

Jul 22, 2022, 2:02:37 PM7/22/22
Hi All,

Speaking of localization—I have a strong just graduated computer student from Thailand. He previously worked in translation and speaks Thai, Korean, Japanese, Dutch, German, and English.

I think a localization job would be the perfect intersection of his skill sets. If you know anyone hiring in this area let me know and I’ll pass it on.


> On Jul 22, 2022, at 12:29 PM, Jim Matthews <> wrote:
> I haven’t sold apps in China. Years ago I worked with a Japanese company that localized Fetch to Japanese and marketed it there. They paid me a royalty, I think it was about 25% of sales. So getting 65% of the revenue from a Chinese reseller doesn’t sound bad, but I don’t know what other options might be available to you.
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Michael Tsai

Jul 22, 2022, 2:10:51 PM7/22/22
to Upper Valley Cocoaheads

DIGITALYCHEE has been reselling in China for me for a few years now. The sales are pretty low, but OTOH they are probably purely additive. They have been easy to work with, pay promptly, etc.

I would have to check what the other resellers are charging, but from what I recall 35% doesn't sound that bad.

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