[uv-cocoaheads] Upper Valley Cocoaheads: remote meeting 7pm, Thursday, 10 November

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Jim Matthews

읽지 않음,
2022. 11. 3. 오전 10:10:3322. 11. 3.
받는사람 noreply-spamdigest via Upper Valley Cocoaheads
Topic: Cocoaheads

We'll gather remotely to talk about tech news. I may demonstrate a Ventura bug that is causing problems for Fetch users.

We'll use Jitsi for videoconferencing. Jitsi doesn't require installing anything on a computer (you do have to give your browser permission to use the camera and microphone), and there are apps for iOS and Android:

To join the meeting, go to:


Jim Matthews
Fetch Softworks

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