Utterly Voice Page Accessibility Feedback

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Jessica Algoo

Aug 24, 2024, 10:01:49 PMAug 24
to utterlyvoiceusers
Good evening, 

This computer control application is incredible - I can think of so many use cases for this. One piece of feedback I have is that the web page may be difficult for users with visual impairments and who use assistive technology to read. 

I used Access Scan and the Chrome Color Contrast Analyzer to persona test whether my grandmother (the visually impaired user I support) could read this. The website has a good start, but those tools offered some further improvements. 

Here's a site with some helpful tools: https://accessibe.com/blog/knowledgebase/ada-compliant-colors. I am not a salesperson, just providing the tools I used to scan because I am always advocating for accessible websites and I would love to see more users test this application out.

The persona test I did was brief - you may have already thought through the assistive technology and visual impairment challenges. If so, please disregard.

Thank you for everything you are doing.

Utterly Voice

Aug 25, 2024, 9:50:14 AMAug 25
to Jessica Algoo, utterlyvoiceusers

Thank you for the feedback! We do periodically run axe DevTools against the website to validate accessibility. We will run that again within the next few weeks and make any updates as needed. 

Were there any particular issues you discovered that should be addressed? Is your grandmother accessing the website? If so, has she had any issues?

On a related note, the minimalist design of the website exceeds most standards by also being accessible by voice. There are no pop ups, there are no hover controls, and there are no embedded scrolling areas. 

Thanks again for your feedback.

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Jessica Algoo

Aug 27, 2024, 7:12:14 PMAug 27
to Utterly Voice, utterlyvoiceusers

Good morning,

I had a feeling you were already using tools to address it, because I agree the site's design does exceed standards.

Here is the use case I originally thought of: if I wanted to show my grandmother (who has macular degeneration) this site, she might have a hard time reading the black font/tan background and small font size. 

This may not be something your web page needs to address, however:

1. It may be more of a user browser/page settings concern.

2. If she was using assistive technology, she could probably navigate it just fine since you're using Ax Dev Tools to validate accessibility.

If my grandmother and I test the site together, I'll be sure to circle back with her feedback. Sorry if I wasted your time. I'm very glad to have learned more, though. As a user navigating her care and access I appreciate your response. It set me on better research paths for her. I'll try to add more value to you next time by presenting real data, not a what-if scenario.

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