2013-08-09 Taylor, Wrobel, Rathbun, Zentner, Vassel, Alley, Urbanczyk, Kite

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Jun 14, 2021, 2:06:06 AM6/14/21
to utsoar...@googlegroups.com
Name Points Airport Duration Speed Pt/hr Glider Track
Tim Taylor 890 km Nephi 6.4 hr 138.9 Ventus 2 track
Dan Wrobel 775 km Nephi 6.3 hr 123.6 Ventus 17-6m track
Steve Rathbun 697 km Nephi 7.6 hr 91.7 LS 3 track
York Zentner 556 km Nephi 6.1 hr 91.5 DG 505 20m track
Bruno Vassel 546 km Nephi 4.8 hr 113.4 ASW 27 track
Lynn Alley 450 km Nephi 4.7 hr 96.1 Duo Discus track
Kirk Urbanczyk 308 km Nephi 3.6 hr 86.3 ASW 27 track
Adam Kite 48 km Nephi 0.6 hr 75.6 Std. Jantar track

Flights are from WeGlide, OnLineContest, and SkyLines since 2007. They have very similar scoring systems, called "Free", "OLC+" and "Score" respectively, and generally agree within 1-2 percent.

--Generated by Groupflights--

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