2021-09-12 Mahoney, Rathbun, Eckel, Taylor, Drews, Schaefer, Schneider, Hess, Kennedy

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Sep 13, 2021, 2:01:45 AM9/13/21
to utsoar...@googlegroups.com
Name Points Airport Duration Speed Pt/hr Glider Track
Art Mahoney 517 km Nephi 4.8 hr 107.9 LS 4 track
Steve Rathbun 438 km Nephi 3.9 hr 112.6 LS 3a track
Rob Eckel 415 km Logan-Cache 4.1 hr 101.3 Discus 2b track
Tim Taylor 402 km Logan-Cache 4.4 hr 90.5 Ventus 2ax 15m track
Frank Drews 304 km Nephi 3.4 hr 89.5 ASW 24 track
Peter Schaefer 266 km Nephi 3.5 hr 75.4 LS 3 track
Paul Schneider 232 km Heber City M 2.5 hr 94.7 LS 8 track
Bret Hess 223 km Nephi 2.0 hr 110.5 Twin Astir RG track
Richard Kennedy 221 km Nephi 2.0 hr 109.5 G 103 Twin III track

Flights are from WeGlide, OnLineContest, and SkyLines since 2007. They have very similar scoring systems, called "Free", "OLC+" and "Score" respectively, and generally agree within 1-2 percent.

--Generated by Groupflights--

See records, totals and archives.

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