Debug menu Send and Ping don't work

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Dave Truckenmiller

Dec 27, 2022, 6:30:35 PM12/27/22
to uTracer
I'm on a mac (Monterey 12.6.2), I'm using a serial cable to USB adapter.  I'm using 0.96 (build 20221220).  In the Debug menu the Send and Ping buttons don't work, and above them it says "connecting...". 

In the command window is says the Serial port is open and baud rate is 9600. The port detected is /dev/tty.usbserial-1410.  

When I boot the same laptop, cable, etc into Windows and use the software from dos4ever the debug Ping button works as documented in the assembly manual.

I've tried Safari, Chrome, Brave and Edge all with the same results.  It doesn't appear to me as a permission issue:
/dev $ ls -l *usb*
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  0x16000001 Dec 27 16:04 cu.usbserial-1410
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  0x16000000 Dec 27 16:04 tty.usbserial-1410

Sometimes I get this error message in the terminal:
[/files] GET:
[Object: null prototype] { _: '1672181538800' }

I start by using ./uTracerJS-macos-x64 in the directory with these files:
drwxr-xr-x  2 xxxxxxxx  staff        64 Dec 27 16:30 data
-rw-r--r--  1 xxxxxxxx  staff        38 Dec 27 16:51 debug.log
-rwxr--r--@ 1 xxxxxxxx  staff  62892944 Dec 27 16:23 uTracerJS-macos-x64
-rw-r--r--@ 1 xxxxxxxx  staff        31 Dec 27 16:44 uTracerJS.txt

Any hints?  I would like to use macOS instead of windows.

Martin Manning

Dec 28, 2022, 7:07:34 AM12/28/22
to uTracer
My MacBook is set up like this:
Home directory has 
a folder called uTracerJS, containing only the uTracerJS-macos-X64 app
a folder called Data, that will contain saved results and set-up files
I'm running Ventura, but it has worked fine with previous OS. Browser is Safari.

With uTracer turned on and connected via FTDI TTL to USB cable, I run uTracerJS and get this:
Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 6.44.02 AM.png
Then, I open a browser window and go to URL http://localhost and it's ready to go.


Dec 28, 2022, 7:44:56 AM12/28/22
to uTracer
Hi Dave, 

Indeed, could you show what is in yout terminal window after the start. So when you open the Terminal on Mac and type 
cd /Users/YOURUSERNAME/uTracerJS

you will get a screenshot similar to Martin's



Martin Manning

Dec 28, 2022, 7:57:28 AM12/28/22
to uTracer
Hi Ihor, something that would be an improvement, IMHO, would be to move the Data folder into the uTracerJS folder. 


Dec 28, 2022, 8:05:06 AM12/28/22
to uTracer
Hi Martin, 

I am not sure if I understand you correctly. Right now you do not need any folder to have a name uTracerJS, for example. In principle, one needs to have the binary "uTracerJS-macos-*" and 'data' folder in one place, so in one folder (with any possible name). That's the simplest automatic configuration that I could imagine. I can also imagine that some people would like to have that 'data' folder be called differently, or be located in some other place ( for example some existing folder on their PCs). It is possible but I would have to find time to implement that, because it is just a matter of implementing a user interface with tons of exceptions and things that a user might do wrong, so it is far from being fun :) 


Martin Manning

Dec 28, 2022, 8:19:29 AM12/28/22
to uTracer
Hi Ihor, Currently I have the uTracerJS folder in my home directory, and a folder named Data also in my home directory. It seems that uTracer JS looks for the Data folder one level up from where it exists, because if I move the Data folder in with the binary (place it in the uTracer JS folder) uTracerJS can't find the Data folder.
Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 8.18.29 AM.png


Dec 28, 2022, 9:55:09 AM12/28/22
to uTracer
Hi Martin, 

That's the problems of of running uTracerJS binary by double-clicking on Mac, which is not recommended or suggested way of running;) By double clicking you always start from 'home' folder and all the paths are wrong. The official way of running is by starting the terminal, going to the folder where the binary is located (and 'data' folder as well) and then running the binary: 
cd /Users/YOURUSERNAME/uTracerJS


Martin Manning

Dec 28, 2022, 12:01:16 PM12/28/22
to uTracer
Ok, an update (thanks, Ihor!):

My MacBook is now set up like this:
The Home directory has a folder called uTracerJS, containing the following:
1) uTracerJS-macos-X64 (executable)
2) uTracerJS.txt (two lines that identify the data port):
3) A folder called Data, that contains the eeprom file (cal file, .csv), last used plot and qt configs (.csv), set-up files (.uts), and saved results (.utd).

To run, I open a terminal window, and go to the uTrcerJS directory by typing:
cd /Users/<homedirectoryname>/uTracerJS <return>

Run the executable:
./uTracerJS-macos-x64 <return>

Open a browser window and go to local host:


Dec 28, 2022, 12:23:36 PM12/28/22
to uTracer
Thanks Martin for the description of the steps but also for bringing this issue up. I found how to make it properly, apparently it works for windows and linux but mac needs a special treatment that some other people were also searching for :) 

As the result, I uploaded a new version (build 20221227), which can be run on mac from any folder, and with a double click from the Finder window :) 



Martin Manning

Dec 28, 2022, 1:26:32 PM12/28/22
to uTracer
Tested with the same arrangement as described above, just dropped the new executable into the uTracerJS folder and right-clicked to open, which is necessary for a file from an unknown developer on the first run. Works fine. Shut down the terminal and browser, restarted uTracerJS with a double-click from Finder. Works fine. We Mac users have been told for decades that stuff should "just work." 

The only thing different is, I'm seeing a whole bunch of new info in the terminal window now, tables of Hex, decimal, and measurement data.


Dec 28, 2022, 1:47:27 PM12/28/22
to uTracer
Tested with the same arrangement as described above, just dropped the new executable into the uTracerJS folder and right-clicked to open, which is necessary for a file from an unknown developer on the first run. Works fine. Shut down the terminal and browser, restarted uTracerJS with a double-click from Finder. Works fine. We Mac users have been told for decades that stuff should "just work." 

The only thing different is, I'm seeing a whole bunch of new info in the terminal window now, tables of Hex, decimal, and measurement data.


Those tables in the output are kind of "improved" reporting about the progress of the acquisition:) I will collect a few more changes and then release the new 0.97 version either before or after the New Year. The changelog will be available here: and also in the uTracerJS itself. 

Cheers ,


Dave Truckenmiller

Dec 28, 2022, 5:53:20 PM12/28/22
to uTracer
Here are my screen shots.  (I updated to the 20221227 version).  I should say that I'm in the process of building my board, and am on "Part 5. Micro-controller - testing".  To reiterate, the same laptop with the same USB cable works when I run Windows and the software from Dekker.  Let me know if I can be of any help tracking down the issue.
Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 4.40.15 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 4.35.57 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 4.45.50 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 4.36.30 PM.png

Doulos Cho

Dec 28, 2022, 7:17:34 PM12/28/22
Isn't it caused by FTDI's lack of FIFO memory?

2022년 12월 29일 (목) 오전 3:47, Ihor <>님이 작성:
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Dave Truckenmiller

Dec 28, 2022, 8:11:17 PM12/28/22
to uTracer
I am willing to "pause" my board assembly and help debug/test for a fix if you are interested.


Dec 29, 2022, 8:38:11 AM12/29/22
to uTracer
Hi Dave, 

Thanks for the screenshots. I think those are quite general so it is difficult to see what happens. Could you send the screenshot with the terminal window after you press the Ping button in the Debug tab. Then some new lines with information will appear there. You should be quick with making a screenshot of that terminal window because if something is not responding then in 15 seconds uTracerJS will quit and close the terminal window. If you want to keep that window open, you have to open the terminal manually and then use the command 'cd'' to go to the uTracerJS folder and then run ./uTracerJS-macos-x64 manually.




Dec 29, 2022, 8:43:28 AM12/29/22
to uTracer
by the way, that "Connecting" message in the debug window has nothing to do with actual connection to uTracer. It just indicates that the browser established the connection with the main server-application. I am getting "Connected" on Mac with Safari and Chrome even without uTracer plugged in. So I would also assume that you probably use Firefox or some other browser. Some of them do not want to change that "Connecting" status nicely. Just ignore it, the output in the teminal window is more important, it already says that the serial port is open, which is good, and then server is running (localhost:8080).


Dec 29, 2022, 8:52:43 AM12/29/22
to uTracer
I think I see the issue now. Because you are using non-standard port 8080, that Debug tab with its specific way of communicating does not work. The rest of the functions will work (the Full and Quick tests). I will check why it is like that, but the easiest solution for you is to use port 80 if it is possible, otherwise I will update you with a solution here. 


Dec 29, 2022, 9:04:05 AM12/29/22
to uTracer
The problems is solved, now everything should work with ports different from 80, so 8080 for example. Please redownload the updated version from the website (build 20221229). 



Dave Truckenmiller

Dec 29, 2022, 9:19:54 AM12/29/22
to uTracer
Hi Ihor,

So that is exactly the problem.  The Ping button cannot be pressed.  When I hover over it, it has the circle with slash icon.  I suspect this is because I've just started building my board and I'm on step 5, but it could well be some other issue in the code that controls if the button is active.


Dave Truckenmiller

Dec 29, 2022, 9:20:46 AM12/29/22
to uTracer
gosh, I replied too soon, let me try the port 80 later tonight and get back to you!

Dave Truckenmiller

Dec 29, 2022, 9:50:43 AM12/29/22
to uTracer
Hi Ihor,
I was able to download build 20221229 and test it.  I'm still using port 8080, and it works!  Thank you!

Screen Shot 2022-12-29 at 8.50.11 AM.png
Screen Shot 2022-12-29 at 8.49.33 AM.png


Dec 29, 2022, 11:03:54 AM12/29/22
to uTracer
Hi Dave, 

Looks good! So your uTracer is not ready yet? Is it uTracer 3+ or 6? I see the Vnegative = -57V which is too low I believe. During the assembly one should already make it look like -40V as far as I remember. 


Dave Truckenmiller

Dec 29, 2022, 5:05:42 PM12/29/22
to uTracer
It is a 3+, I have not yet started any of the calibration.  


Dec 30, 2022, 5:21:32 PM12/30/22
to uTracer
Hey everyone!

Dave - I have no idea what version (when you purchased your kit) but I had an issue that was sorted out here and I added a few resistors and replaced a few parts that brought my utracer 3+ back to life.  You may want to read the long thread titled Rhoetest V10 VS Utracer.  It starts off with nothing but ends with me fixing a blown Utracer because of a part issue with I believe BD138.

All the best to you and Happy New Year to everyone here!

The people here are very helpful and kind.  


Martin Manning

Dec 30, 2022, 5:58:03 PM12/30/22
to uTracer
Yes, good suggestion Rocko, makes sense to add those resistors from the start. Direct Link:
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