Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2011 May Newsletter

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yuri sama

May 31, 2011, 9:49:47 PM5/31/11
to UTP SEM 2011


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Shell Eco-marathon Asia

In This Issue


The countdown to Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2011


Are you ready?


Let’s aim for goal zero


Freight forwarding – all sorted out?


E-shop update – Michelin tyres


Teams get busy with 40 days to go


Mark your diary


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Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2011

May newsletter


The countdown to Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2011



Apa khabar? (how are you?).We hope your preparations for Shell Eco-marathon Asia have been going well.

In just 40 days, we will bid you Selamat Datang, which means welcome. As the event draws nearer, we ask that you keep in mind all the important dates and actions that you need to do before landing in Sepang. To help you in your preparations, we have provided a general checklist and some helpful tips for overseas participants. We hope you will find this useful.

Since the last newsletter, we have held two webcasts on freight forwarding and safety. We apologise that we are unable to provide the audio for these sessions due to unforeseen technical issues. Those who missed these sessions should refer to the important tips and highlights below.

Coming up in June is another important webcast on technical scrutineering and the introduction of the Shell Eco-marathon Asia Twitter. More on this in our next communciations.

This month’s newsletter includes updates from teams in Pakistan, China and Malaysia. If you have a story to share about your team, email us at Enjoy reading.


FINAL REMINDER: If you have yet  to register your team in our online registration system, this is your last chance to do so. The final deadline is 5 June 2011. If you fail to do so, we will consider that your team has withdrawn from Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2011.

Are you ready?



Before you set foot in Sepang, go through this checklist to ensure you are well prepared.

·         Valid passport

·         Applied for visa into Malaysia (if required)

·         Booked flights or arranged transport to Sepang (for local teams)

·         Made reservations at one of our recommended hotels

·         Registered the team in the Guest Registration System (GRS). Deadline: 30 May

·         Sorted out freight forwarding/shipping requirements through e-shop. For questions on   freight forwarding, customs clearance, application of Approved Permit (AP), storage and  transport in Malaysia, contact Kevin from ASP at

·         Confirmed team members and submitted mandatory documents. Deadline: 31 May

·         Submitted off track awards. Deadline: 15 June

·         Read and understood the following:
      1. technical rules chapter 1 and 2, and watched webcast 1 video
      2. safety rules and briefing
      3. freight forwarding requirements (article 145)

Let’s aim for goal zero



Non-compliance or failure to adhere to safety instructions will affect your team’s participation. Here are some tips and highlights from the just concluded webcast on safety:

·         Focus on what you are doing especially when working with tools.

·         Always wear your personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary. Each team member will be provided with a set of gloves, safety glasses and ear plugs.

·         Familiarise yourself with the tools. Do not work on your own. Seek help if needed.

·         Automotive students and instructors from Despark Auto Academy will be setting up in two garages to help teams with wielding, cutting, grinding and major work using power tools, etc.

·         Pack a toolbox and include spare parts for your vehicle, if necessary.

·         Random inspections and spot checks will be conducted by our safety team. Teams will receive a written warning for non-compliance. If a team receives three written warnings, they will be disqualified from the competition. For serious safety breaches, a team can be disqualified and asked to leave Sepang International Circuit (SIC) immediately.

·         Have your meals on time and drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.

·         Go through the safety slidepack with your team. Pay attention to the lessons learnt chapter to avoid any untoward incidents.

Freight forwarding – all sorted out?



Here are some useful tips and reminders:

·         Ensure your local freight forwarding agent is in contact with ASP to facilitate smooth customs clearance and timely application for vehicle approved permit (AP). The deadline to submit all information required for the Approved Permit (AP) application is 6 June (see rules chapter 2 article 145)

·         In-country customs clearance MUST be handled by ASP. If you use any other agent, please note that Shell will not be responsible for handling any complications at the last minute.

·         Participants are only allowed access into SIC on 6 July from 0900hrs. Note that you may need to pay for storage if your vehicle arrives early. Consult your local freight forwarding agent and connect them with ASP to work out the timing to ship your vehicle. Shipping duration varies from country to country.

·         If you are using air freighting, you will still need to be in touch with ASP who will arrange for AP application and customs clearance.

·         A reminder for Malaysian teams – all vehicles will only be allowed into Sepang International Circuit on 6 July after 0900hrs. Please arrange this with your own transporter.

E-shop update – Michelin tyres



We would like to advise teams to look at alternative options as we are currently out of stock of Michelin tyres.

Teams get busy with 40 days to go

With the event about a month away, some teams have been working hard to improve their standings from last year, and to gain sponsorship support.  

winmarkIn Pakistan, Team Winmark (left) from NED University of Engineering and Technology (NUET), recently showcased their vehicle at a local club during the broadcast of the Pakistan-Australia world cup cricket match. With experience gained from last year, the seven-member team started pursuing sponsorships early and in a well organised manner. They have also placed safety as the highest priority by attending briefings organised by Shell Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Team PARAGON, also from NUET, is coming to Sepang as the only solar powered car from Pakistan this year. Team PARAGON is focusing on sharpening their communications and presentation skills to attract better sponsors. The enthusiastic team is confident about leveraging their green-energy project for sponsorships.

chinaFor Tongji University’s Zeal Racing Team (right) from China, participating in the Shell Eco-marathon has become a yearly tradition since 2009, when the team competed at the Shell Eco-marathon Europe. They have gained much experience from their participation as well as an opportunity to exchange ideas with international peers. Securing third placing in the Prototype Combustion category, winning the Communications and Marketing Award and bagging the third place for the Safety Award in Sepang last year, Tongji University is all set to outdo its 2010 results.

sem1Finally, Malaysian teams (left) recently participated in a symbolic send off ceremony, officiated by the Malaysian Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation. Approximately 170 students and lecturers attended the event, which include safety and technical briefings. Four universities displayed their vehicles, while others set up information booths to showcase their project and drawings of their vehicles.

What has your team been up to lately? Tell us, and your story may get published in this space!

Mark your diary



May 31 - Final date for submission of mandatory documents

June - Webcast on technical scrutineering, and registration process

June 5 - Closing date for online registration (GRS)

June 6
- Deadline to submit all info required for the AP application

15 June – Closing date for off track award submissions

6 July - Official registration for Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2011

7-9 July – Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2011


Once again we wish you all the best in your preparations!


Shell Eco-marathon Asia Team


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Best Regards,
Mohamad Syahmie Bin Kamsul
Mechanical Engineering Department
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar, Tronoh
Perak Darul Ridzuan
+6019-4513382 / +6012-6690651 /

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