Perl Developer & SysOps positions at Regent Markets

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Jean-Yves Sireau

Oct 4, 2012, 10:20:28 PM10/4/12

Who we are

RMG Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd. is a MSC status company based in Cyberjaya, Malaysia. RMG Technology has been operating in Malaysia since 2006 and has a technical team of diverse nationalities, including people working in Malaysia as well as commuters in different parts of the world.

What we do

Our company provides IT and quant (financial mathematics) services to a major and pioneering financial platforms. We use Perl and lots of Perl-related technologies extensively. We use other technologies too such as Apache, nginx, mod_perl, PostgreSQL, Javascript, Git, Puppet, Selenium, Jenkins, OpenVZ and AWS. We use Linux for all our infrastructure and desktops. Our daily routine involves maintaining the business operations as well as developing and deploying new solutions to make life easier for ourselves and our customers.

How it is to work with us

We have a very casual work environment and culture, from dress code to the way we communicate and work. Our technical teams are people who are deeply concerned about the quality of their work and have a passion for it. We try to improve the way things are done constantly. We don’t have a very big team so our staff have to deal with a variety of interesting tasks on a daily basis.

What we are looking for

Right now we have vacancies for two types of positions: Developers and Sysadmin/DevOps. As a part of our technical team, you will be involved in our daily operations to make our infrastructure and products closer to what our customers need. Development is ongoing and we deploy regularly. We really care about testing and fault-proofing our code before it goes live so there’s a great deal of QA involved. We use virtualization extensively and rely on third party cloud services for parts of our operation. We are always on the lookout for new technologies that can add value to our portfolio of tools and services. You might be a good match for our company if:

  • You are knowledgeable and passionnate about Linux and its nuts and bolts;

  • You are comfortable with Perl code or know another scripting language that can help you pick it up. Take our word - there’s no escape from Perl here;

  • You are familiar with technologies such as Apache, nginx, Git, Debian packaging, monitoring solutions and are comfortable learning new ones when needed;

  • You can work as a part of a team of people as good as or better than you. You can take and provide criticism and build on the experience to build better solutions in the future;

  • You are an independent thinker and can surprise yourself and the others with the new stuff you come up with;

  • As a developer, you are familiar with the concepts of software quality assurance and can test your own and other’s code against best-practice standards.

What you are looking for

So after what we expect from you, here’s a list of the things you can expect from us:

  • You can expect a competitive compensation package;

  • A multi-national team of talented and passionate engineers;

  • Friendly and casual working environment;

  • Flexible working hours;

  • We provide the option to provide you with housing or equal pay for you to get your own place;

  • Canteen with refreshments for those times when you really need some;

  • Working from home option on certain occasions/positions (not telecommuting).

Please visit for further information.

How to apply

If you think you can be a good match for our company, drop us a line along with your resume by emailing Paul LeVarge at While not mandatory here’s a list of the things we might be really interested in:

  • Projects you have been involved in;

  • If you have any public repositories on places such as github, please provide a link to them;

  • Contributions you might have made to open-source projects such as providing patches, new features, …

  • Anything that gives us a better picture of who you are and what you do.

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