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Typing l (ell) or h in a Textbox make the window to move by 25 % to the right or left!?

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Jun 24, 2009, 3:04:29 AM6/24/09
to UTGB Users
I noticed that when typing "scaffold" in a text box, the start and end
increases by 25% of the windowsize in bp. Careful observation revealed
that this happens when I type the key "l", and this also happens when
typed in the box for target and keyword search. Thereafter, I tried
several other key and found that h makes the opposite movement, and
the behavior is not restricted when there is a focus on a text box.
So, I guess this is a
feature that is intended for viewing the genome as the behavior is
naturally similar to vi movement command.

However, it is surprising when the address changes when you are typing
in a textbox.
Is it easy to skip the movement by key press when a focus is present
on a text box?

Taro L. Saito

Jun 24, 2009, 3:43:01 AM6/24/09

Thank you for reporting strange behaviour of the UTGB.
As you mentioned, we have implemented vi-like short cut keys for
relocating browser window:
h (move to left)
l (move to right)

We will fix the reported problem by disabling this feature when the
browser forcus is on the text box.

Taro L. Saito
University of Tokyo
Tel. +81-47-136-4065 (64065)
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