velodyne poll() timeout (different issue?)

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Steven Lee

Jan 16, 2014, 7:18:40 PM1/16/14
Hi Joq,

First of all, thank you so much for a great package.  I don't know what I would've done without it!

I have a HDL-32E sensor and got it working fine on my other PCs., thanks to your package and tutorials.
But on my laptop, I am getting "velodyne poll() timeout" when i try to do 'rosrun velodyne_driver velodyne_node'
I am aware of other people getting this error and having them resolved with correct network settings, but none of the solutions i found online worked for me.
Another funny thing is I can record the sensor data using vdump (kudos on this guy btw), and play it out and even get the pointclouds with no problem, but it just wouldn't work in live setting.

I am using ros hydro on ubuntu raring over chroot (from a chromebook).  
I suspect that it might be the chroot that is preventing me from accessing eth0 without root permissions.
But them again, I had no luck even with sudo -s.
I was getting traffic over eth0 just fine (checked with bmon), and I noticed I need root permission when I tried to look at the packets using wireshark.
This led me to suspect that something needed root permission, but then I was able to use vdump.

I hope this makes sense.  This has been driving me nuts!
Please help.



Jack O'Quin

Jan 16, 2014, 8:38:22 PM1/16/14
to utexas-art-ros-pkg-users
I prefer to work on problems like this using That way others with similar problems can see the answers. Please open a question with tag "velodyne" so I don't miss it. 

I have never used chroot with that device. If I understand you correctly, you are running Raring in a virtual machine under OSX? I have no idea what effect OSX may have on this issue.

The permissions may be part of the problem. The velodyne port itself is user accessible and should work without root permissions. In fact, for ROS, root might very well not work. It is possible that running things as root caused files to be created that are not accessible to your user ID.

I recommend starting over with a clean install, and *not* running as root except for wireshark or similar utilities.

Steven Lee

Jan 20, 2014, 5:48:32 PM1/20/14
Hi Joq,

Thanks for reply.
I will go ahead and post it on the
As per your questions, I am using Chrome OS and running ubuntu via a chroot tool called crouton.
I tried both with and without root permissions but had no luck.

It is frustrating because running the nodes with a file created using vdump works beautifully, just not in live.
I will try the clean install soon, but I did try reinstalling ROS but again didnt work.

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