Chapters Covered Since Mid-Term

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Feb 7, 2008, 10:07:25 PM2/7/08
Here's where I think we are...

Lecture 10 (Cost & Prod) Chapter 12
Lecture 11 (Econ of Cost) Chapter 13
Lecture 12 (Confusion About Productivity-the fish stuff) Chapter 17
Lecture 14 (Monopoly) Chapter 14, I'm assuming (I know, going out on a
Lecture 15 (Price Discrimination) Not sure yet

Agreements/corrections welcome.


Feb 9, 2008, 2:29:15 PM2/9/08
Looks like Price Discrimination is in Chapter 14 too.

Paul Ulrich

Feb 11, 2008, 2:39:05 PM2/11/08
As Professor Meiners said at the beginning of this Econ 5311 class, he
lectures on whatever he wants, and we do have to figure out what in
the book we want to read, if anything, to accompany his lectures. I
see that someone has already begun a list to reconcile the lectures to
the corresponding chapters in the book. It differed from my list,
which I will share with you here. Hopefully it can save some of you
the time of making a similar list. I made this list by listing topics
covered during the lectures, then looking up the page number of the
corresponding topic in the Essentials of Economics index.

Lecture 10
Production & Costs
1. Total Product- 12
2. Average Product - 12
3. Marginal Product- 12
4. Diminishing Marginal Product- 12
5. Fixed costs - 12
6. Variable costs -12
7. Total Costs- 12
8. Economies of scale - 12
9. Sunk Costs- 13
10. Marginal Revenue- 13
11. Average Revenue- 13
12. Cost curves, MR=MC -13

Lecture 11
Economic Propositions about Costs
1. Marginal Costs- pg 269-271
2. Average Costs - 12
3. Present Value - pg 414
4. Discount Rate - pg 470
5. Depreciation - pg 329
6. Opportunity Costs - pg 245-246

Lecture 12
1. Productivity pg 370-374
2. Total Output - ?
3. Average Output - ?
4. Marginal Output - 268-271
5. Profit Graphs - pg 275 - 276
6. Property rights - pg 236

Lecture 13

Lecture 14
1. Monopoly - pg 288
2. Marginal Revenue Schedule - pg 293-294
3. Demand curves - pg 513-518
4. Prices - pg 292-294

Lecture 15
Price Discrimination
Price Discrimination - pg 305-311

Lecture 16
Agency Costs
1. Shirk- ??
2. Monitoring, Bonding, & Signals- ??
3. Decentralization- ??
4. Team Production- ??
5. Incentives- ??

Lecture 17
The firm
1. Neoclassical Theory - pg 324-325
2. Property Rights Theory pg 236
3. Production function, 247-249, 248, 373
4. total-cost curve and, 248-249
5. Inputs, Factors of Production - 9, 10, 22, 23, 55, 258
6. Contracts - ??
7. Vertical Integration - ??
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