宴のバージョン: 宴3.11.1
UnityのバージョンとOS: Unity2019.4.33f1 Windows10
Unityの習熟度:About 3 years.
Reproduce steps:
1. Build UtageSample.
2. Launch build app, Start Game run to 宴3の新機能 > 宴3演出 >その1> トランジション > 色々なトランジション. Press Ctrl key run first loop end with 125MB memory.
3. Run second loop end with 125.1MB memory.
4. Run third loop end with 855MB memory.
5. Run fourth/fifth loop end with 1908MB/3008.0MB memory.
Use Unity Editor and Profiler see, RenderTexture has tone of TempBuffer takes memory.