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Utah asslifters up in arms over defaced posters

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Apr 12, 2016, 2:56:50 PM4/12/16
University of Utah police are investigating a possible hate crime after an
act of on-campus vandalism. They’re looking for the person who defaced seven
posters inside Orson Spencer Hall. “It’s disheartening is what it is,” said
U. spokeswoman Maria O’Mara. “It’s incredibly disappointing.” Funny this
would happen in Utah, where the large population of Mormons have a lot in
common with Muslims:

Also, Utah school forces students to create “Join ISIS” poster:


Apr 12, 2016, 4:28:32 PM4/12/16

The USA is having sodomite marriages. What would the neocon
bootlickers of Jews be saying if a Muslim country did that?

The Culture War:

Israel Line - Friday, June 10, 2005

Thousands Participate in Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv.

Thousands of people took to the streets of Tel Aviv this
afternoon to participate in the city's annual gay pride parade,
HA'ARETZ reported. The parade set out from Rabin Square and was to end
in Yarkon Park, where musical performances were planned.

MKs Yosef Lapid (Shinui), Eitan Cabel (Labor) and Zehava Gal-On
(Yahad), as well as Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai, were set to speak at
the event.

The chairman of the national Association of Gay Men, Lesbians,
Bisexuals and Transgender in Israel, Mike Hamel, said today the parade
was organized with the "close cooperation" of the Tel Aviv
municipality. "It's great to see it, and great that it's one of the
few places in the world that has the support of a municipal body, a
government body," he said.

Hamel said the event is called a "pride parade," because it has
to do with "being proud of the way we are and the demand to accept
every person as a person, as he is, and not trying to change him."

Full story:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
- -- - -- -
Iran: Two More Executions for Homosexual Conduct
NEW YORK - November 22 -
Iran's execution of two men last week for homosexual conduct
highlights a
pattern of persecution of gay men that stands in stark violation of
the rights
to life and privacy, Human Rights Watch said today. On Sunday,
November 13, the semi-official Tehran daily Kayhan reported that the
government publicly hung two men, Mokhtar N. (24 years old) and Ali A.
(25 years old), in the Shahid Bahonar Square of the northern town of
Gorgan. The government reportedly executed the two men for the crime
of "lavat." Iran's shari'a-based penal code defines lavat as
penetrative and non-penetrative sexual acts between men. Iranian law
punishes all penetrative sexual acts between adult men with the death
Non-penetrative sexual acts between men are punished with lashes until
the fourth offense, when they are punished with death…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -

NEA, Gay Militants: Joined At The Hip
Lee Duigon

If a private citizen tells his neighbor's children that they ought to
try gay sex, he might wind up in a correctional facility. If he talks
that way to your 13-year-old son, you'll want him put away-pronto.

But when this very same behavior, toward the same children, is
displayed by adults who belong to America's biggest teachers' union,
most parents simply let them do it. In fact, they pay them to.

The NEA is committed to the cause of militant homosexuality. It's the
richest, most politically powerful union in America, and it has daily
access to most of America's children. And it wants to recruit them for
the homosexual lifestyle.

Lean this equation, America:

Public schools=The homosexual agenda

If you don't believe it, visit, the website of the
National Education Association's Gay and Lesbian Coalition. There,
among their "great achievements" in shaping NEA policy, the homosexual
militants cite the NEA's promotion of "the lesbian-gay-bisexual
curriculum" and "family life education... regarding the diversity of
sexual orientation."

The NEA has also campaigned for the proclamation of
"Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transsexual History Month" (try putting that on
a T-shirt), homosexual studies at Catholic colleges--and, of course,
homosexual "marriage."

The people of Massachusetts know the teachers' union's commitment to
"gay marriage." Aline Isaacson of GLSEN (Gay-Lesbian-Straight
Education Network), the media's favorite poster gal for "gay
marriage", is also--surprise!-a paid consultant to the Massachusetts
teachers' union. Paid in taxpayer dollars, to boot. (You may remember
Massachusetts GLSEN from a few years ago as the organizers of graphic,
intensely perverted sex "workshops" for public school children--a
scandal that came to be known as "fist-gate.")

Ms. Isaacson, according to the grass-roots Article 8 Alliance, these
days makes it a full-time job lobbying state legislators to keep them
from jumping ship on "gay marriage" and voting for the Bill of Address
which would remove the outlaw Supreme Judicial Court judges who
imposed this oxymoron on the people of Massachusetts. Supported by
taxpayers' money, she makes daily, face-to-face visits to individual
lawmakers. Nice work if you can get it.

Too bad you couldn't make it to the gym teachers' state convention in
New Jersey, in February. It wasn't about volleyball. For public school
gym teachers, Job One--according to the convention's floor displays,
handouts, posters, and workshop topics (all of which I saw
personally)--is getting the kids comfy with homosexuality. To this
end, they handed out a "resource guide"--handsomely produced, slick,
paid for largely by Fleet Bank
Inc.--intended for distribution in all the public schools. (For more
information, see my article, "Now It's the Gym Teachers," in the
February archive of the Chalcedon website,

You would have seen even more of the same at "Twenty Years of Great
Sex (Ed)" last year, a national conference of "sex educators" hosted
by Rutgers, New Jersey's taxpayer-funded state university. Again,
there was no effort to hide the educators' whole-hearted penchant for


Apr 13, 2016, 4:55:21 AM4/13/16


From Concerned Women From America
by Beverly LaHaye

Dear Concerned American,
What I am about to tell you in this letter is so outrageous you may
find it hard to believe. I was astounded myself. I could not believe
that our nation had fallen so far. But the reports here are true. I
have warned many times that our children are under attack. Now I'm
writing to sound the alarm that the situation is even worse than I
thought. I'll tell you more details in a moment, but here's just a
sample of what I've discovered:
Cross-dressing promoted to grade-school children Graphic instruction
in "gay" sex taught to teenage boys and girls Armed guards posted to
keep parents out of high school assemblies led by radical homosexual
activists A book - published by a taxpayer-funded university - that
endorses sex between children and adults!

I've warned about this for many years. Now the evidence is beyond
dispute: there is an evil scheme aimed at destroying our children. The
attack comes on many fronts. It aims to expose children to sex at
earlier and earlier ages... to rob them of their innocence and open
them up to immoral and unhealthy practices... to set them up to accept
messages of
"safe sex" and homosexuality... to usher them into becoming advocates
for - and ultimately participants in - sexual promiscuity, sodomy,
bisexuality, and transgenderism.
These reports confirm my worst fears about this scheme. The time is
short! Radical homosexual activists have long said, "Whoever controls
the schools, controls the future." If they can convince the next
generation that homosexuality is "just another lifestyle," there will
be no stopping them. Even more chilling: If they can lure a whole
generation of young people to explore "alternative" sexual behavior...
to discover their "gay side"...
they will have a whole new generation of young, willing sex partners.
Their first step is to promote gender confusion. Nothing I have ever
seen promises to confuse kids more than a lesson guide obtained and
given to me by one of the researchers here at CWA.
Straight Education Network, also known as "GLSEN, is pushing a
grade-school curriculum book that promotes cross-dressing. This book
was created by a homosexual parents group at the Buena Vista
Elementary School in San Francisco. It includes a lesson based on a
children's book titled "Jesse's Dream Skirt."
As incredible as it sounds, this is real! The story is about a young
boy named Jesse who likes trying on his mother's dresses, and dreams
of a skirt "that whirled, twirled, flowed and glowed, and felt soft
inside." Jesse's mom helps him make a skirt, and he wears it to
daycare, where his classmates make fun of him. The daycare teacher,
Bruce, gathers the
children together and says, "Jesse loves his skirt. Why are some of
you making fun of him?" A girl says, "Well, I wear pants. Why can't
Jesse wear a skirt?"
A boy, Mike, says that one day his mother let him dress up in her old
dresses and hats. "It was a lot of fun," he said, until his father
came in and yelled at him, saying, "Take off that dress, I don't want
my son to be a sissy!" Mike told his daycare classmates, "I don't
know, - I still don't see what was wrong with it." The children and
their teacher discuss the issue and most of the children end up liking
Jesse's skirt. Some even start making dresses themselves. The book
ends with Jesse twirling around in his "dream skirt," with his
boy-style underwear showing. The companion lesson plan says the "key
message" of "Jesse's Dream Skirt" is: "Respect means keeping our minds
open. Having open minds means giving people freedom to be who they
want to be." I don't know what's worse: encouraging boys to wear
dresses, or the negative portrayal of Mike's father. Children who
study "Jesse's Dream Skirt" are getting the message that their
parents' view of morality cannot be trusted. Lest you think this sort
of insanity is restricted to California, take a loot at this next
report, straight from the Midwest. Armed Security Guard Ejects Mother
of Student from School Assembly on Homosexuality
This really made me angry when I heard about it! The incident took
place in St. Louis, Missouri last year just after school had started
for fall. Debra Loveless, whose daughter attends Metro High School,
heard that GLESEN was conducting a school-sponsored assembly. Loveless
had told school officials that she considered the event inappropriate.
When she tried to view it for herself, she was escorted out of the
assembly by an armed security guard. (Just for wanting to view it!)
Can you believe the arrogance of those school administrators! We may
never know all of what those dear young people were exposed to during
that assembly. But if GLSEN's past performance is any indication, the
material was corrupting an destructive. GLESEN has produced some of
the most foul "educational" material in the dishonorable history of
sex education. Two years ago, CWA uncovered a pornographic teaching
session conducted in Massachusetts by GLSEN. During that workshop,
homosexual instructors indoctrinated children as young
as 14 years old. The children heard detailed descriptions of
perverted sex acts, including the dangerous practice known in
homosexual slang as "fisting." After it was exposed, that session
sparked outrage across the nation. It was such a scandal that it
became known as "Fistgate." GLSEN leaders responded by becoming much
more secretive. Apparently this has led them to keep parents out of
their workshops like the one in St. Louis.
So it has come to this. Our tax dollars foot the bill for homosexual
propaganda to poison our children's minds and defile their hearts.
And when parents want to find out what's going on, they get thrown out
of public schools by armed guards! It's time for parents and
grandparents to stand up and fight to protect our children. We can't
think that just because it hasn't happened in our school yet that it
never will! The radical homosexual activists won't stop with just the
California schools. They won't stop with just the big city
schools. They won't stop until they have reached every school in the
The University of Minnesota Press has just published Judith Levine's
Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex. This
book includes such outrageous statements as, "Sex is not harmful to
children... There are many ways even the smallesst children can
partake of it."

On another page, the author gushes over a "lush and mysterious" photo
of a "naked 3- or 4-year-old." Quoting a variety of pedophiles,
Levine says children are not necessarily harmed by sex with adults.
She also advocates that America adopt a law like Holland's that
legalizes sex between adults and children as young as 12! It's
unbelievable, but this book is defended by the liberal media elite.
I'm shocked and heartbroken. But we should not be surprised.
America's standards of sexual morality have been belittled as
"taboos," and been worn down step by step. Today, almost nothing is
off limits. Sex between adults and children is just the next barrier
to be torn down. How long will it take these radical activists to
achieve their next evil objective? Our grade-school children are
already being taught that cross-dressing is just wonderful
self-expression. Graphic details of perverted sex practices are
already being taught to high school children, and parents are being
locked out of assemblies taught by radical homosexual activists. We
must - and we can - stop this. NOW! I grieve for our children and
grandchildren. And I fear for our nation if we do not stand up to
this assault of immorality and defeat it...

I've learned that GLSEN now boasts a budget of 3.5 million and a
membership of more than 1,200 homosexual-activist educators. Their
mission is to promote homosexuality and gender confusion in the
schools under any guise that works.
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