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Stephen Roller

2017年6月22日 15:54:392017/6/22
收件人 NLL Group、ut-flare
Hi Friends,

As I'm moving to NYC, I feel the need to significantly reduce my book collection. Does anyone want these books? Everything will be donated to Recycled Reads otherwise.


From Discourse to Logic. Kamp and Reyle.
Combinatorics for Computer Science. Williamson.
Applied Algebra for the Computer Sciences. Dill.
Introduction to Compiling Techniques. Bennett.
Handbook of Knowledge Representation. Harmelen, Lifschitz, Porter.
Probabilistic Graphical Models. Koller and Friedman.
Speech and Language Processing. Jurafsky and Martin. (1st edition)
Differential Equations. Ford.
A second course in German. Heath.
The Lively Art of Writing. Payne.

Random Non-fiction
An old German atlas. (Published 1999). Pretty cool.  
Setting the Table. Meyer.
What does it all mean? Nagel (Intro philosophy)
Chess in 30 minutes
Blink. Gladwell.
The Qur'an. (English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali).
The Master Algorithm. Domingos.
Nice Girls Just Don't Get It. Frankel and Frohlinger (self help)
Learn to Play Go. Kim and Soo-hyun.

Night. Wiesel.
To Kill a Mockingbird. Lee.
Catch 22. Heller.
Greatest short works of Edgar Allen Poe.
Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck.
The Things They Carried. O'Brien.
The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne.
All Quiet on the Western Front. Remarque.
Requiem For a Dream. Selby.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Larsson.
Girl in the Spider's Web. Larsson.
I, Robot. Asimov.
Silence of the Lambs. Harris.
Ender's Shadow. Card.
Notes from the Underground. Dostoevsky. (Lacks front cover)
The Yellow Wall-paper. Gilman.
Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hugo.
Rant. Palahniuk.
Fight Club. Palahniuk.
Diary. Palahniuk.
Lolita. Nabokov.
Tale of Two Cities. Dickens.
Taube Klara. Verlag. (In German)
Catcher in the Rye. Salinger.
The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald.
Name of the Rose. Eco.
A Man called Ove. Backman.
The Promise. Weisgarber.
The Girl on the Train. Hawkins.
Oryx and Crake. Atwood.
The Little Red Chairs. O'Brien.
The Moon and Sixpence. Maugham.
On the Road. Kerouac.
The Book Thief. Zusak.

The Rosie Project. Simsion.
The Rosie Effect. Simsion. 

Game of Thrones books:
Storm of Swords
Feast of Crows

The Hitchhiker's Trilogy. Adams.  

Harry Potters 4, 5, 6, and 7
(Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix. Half-blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows)

Lord of the Rings (1 and 2):
Fellowship and Two Towers

Collection of Tragedies (Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth)
As you like it
Midsummer Night's dream.
Twelfth Night
Titus Andronicus

Maurice Diesendruck

2017年6月22日 16:01:172017/6/22
收件人 Stephen Roller、NLL Group、ut-flare
May I adopt the following?

Speech and Language Processing (Jurafsky)
Hitchhikers Trilogy (Adams)


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