What I do is create another ministry with different labels for lector positions, and then put the people filling those positions as qualified for the ministry. I have a subset of Lectors as “Holy Week Lectors” and use that ministry in the special services during Holy Week. The special labels on these ministries are something like “Narrator” and “Voice” in reading the passion narrative. I do this because I can make the Holy Week Lectors as a private ministry and only those will have visibility.
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Here’s what I do and MSP is so flexible there are probably more ways than not to solve the issue. I treat the Vigil as a one-off. That means I can configure the Mass, pretty much, how I want. So I create a new ministry and give it an appropriate name, since that name will appear on the schedule, I have to give it some thought, maybe “Lector – Vigil”. Not creative but this is an example. Then of course they have to be identified; 1, 2, 3 or A, B, C, or custom, like, A1, A2, or 1a, 1b, whatever works. Or in the case of the Passion I name them Passion (N) or Passion (V). You can vary it up depending on how your parish does it.
So I guess my approach is to embrace the labels rather than suppress them. Here’s another example, we are relabeling all our positions since Covid has settled down and people are returning to Mass. So I have created new labels with a new numbering scheme. The ministry names are the same but their labels are different. It’ll take a while to transition over, I just have to remember the order of the ministry names to get them right.
I hope I at least touched on your issue and offered some ideas on approach.
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