Schedule Money Counter

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M Bristol

belum dibaca,
18 Nov 2022, 10:39:47 PG18/11/22
I would like to schedule money counters after Mass, but the counters cannot be related. 

How to set up a rule that auto scheduler seperates family members (ie. spouses) if they are both qualified?

 Need ensure they are not scheduled to count at the same time.

John Langan

belum dibaca,
18 Nov 2022, 10:49:29 PG18/11/22

I suggest this: group them as family, but click the "babysitter" setting for each. The intention of babysitter is so that both parents will not be scheduled leaving children unattended. I think it will work in your case. I used it for 2 brothers who were altar servers, but their mom was concerned about them fighting while serving. With the babysitter setting they weren't scheduled together. 

Best Regards,
Johnny Langan
St. Catherine of Siena
Austin, Texas

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