FW: Apartment for Rent in Monterey Hills

已查看 5 次

bryan coleman

2009年9月22日 23:23:592009/9/22
收件人 usc-h...@googlegroups.com


Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 14:28:48 -0700
From: they...@gmail.com
Subject: Apartment for Rent in Monterey Hills

This e-mail is to inform you that an exotic apartment is opening up in the undiscovered lands of Monterey Hills.  The apartment would be available starting next week.  It is 2 bedroom/2 bath.  If you choose to live here your roommate would be a male 4th year medical student who is doing away rotations for the next few months.  Rent is $800 a month plus utilities ~$25/month.  The landlord takes care of the homeowners fees which saves you a chunk of change.  The apartment has access to a pool, hot tub, and covered parking.  I am sure most of you know where Monterey Hills is located so I will spare you how close it is to pertinent landmarks.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  Subletters welcome also.
Huntington Terrace
4040 Via Marisol
Los Angeles Ca 90042
Matt Johnson

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