Bismillahir Rwa’hmaanir Rwa’heem
Calling the entire world towards Saiyidul A’ayaad !
Salam to you all, on the True Path of Allah Rwabbul ‘Alamin.
You know it very well that the most fortunate and pompous event in the
entire creation is the Observance of Saiyidul A’ayaad, Saiyide ‘Eed-e-
A’azwam, ‘Eed-e-Akbar, the sacred ‘Eed-e-Meeladunnabi Swallallahu
‘Alaihi Wa Sallam on the Mubarok date of 12th of Mahe Robiul Auwal
It is only few days ahead! We are Muslims. We should think and
determine our duty.
Lesson for all of us on the auspicious Saiyidul A’ayaad
At last the apprehension came true!
Like the previous years, Saudi government is ready to spoil the ‘Hajj
this year also. The Wahabi government in its deliberate action
prematurely started the month of Zil’hajj one day earlier. It ignored
the reports of non visibility of the moon even through telescope, used
by the scientists both at home and abroad.
This is nothing but the consequence of their false and fabricated
system of counting the lunar months avoiding Quran-Sunnah which is
clearly a Kufri system.
Justifiably, in order to receive the greatest satisfaction of Allah
Pak and Rwa’hmatullil ‘Alamin Swallallahu‘Alaihi Wa Sallam, our
compliance must follow the Sunnah Shareef!
We hope that all of us earn THEIR highest level of satisfaction.
Tahjib-Tamuddun Department
Rajarbag Shareef, Dhaka-1217