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Jibrin Ibrahim

Jun 21, 2024, 2:41:23 PMJun 21
to 'chidi opara reports' via USA Africa Dialogue Series

Nigeria’s Refusal to Power Development


Jibrin Ibrahim, Deepening Democracy Column, Daily Trust, 21st June 2024


Vladimir Lenin said so many years ago that the pathway for placing Russia on the path to development: “Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.” Egypt read the memo, understood it and decided to act in the national interest. They raised their electricity production up by 30,000 MW in 6 years within the last decade. In that short time frame, Egypt achieved self-sufficiency in electricity since June 2015, and now enjoys an electricity surplus of more than 25 percent.  They also spent far less than what we have spent for no tangible results. The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria has just made the point that 300 manufacturers have closed shop in Nigeria since the hike in electricity tariff and the situation will only get worse.

Nigerian governments have been promising us the great leap forward in electricity generation and distribution since 1999 but have simply refused to do it. Instead, they write fiction. For his eight years in power, the Buhari APC Administration could not deliver more than 4,000 megawatts of power to consumers and left after establishing the new tradition of frequent total grid collapse. His predecessors were not better. Let’s start in 2013 when the PDP government assured the Nation that they would be producing 20,000 megawatts of electricity by December 2014. The Minister of Power, Pastor Nebo assured us that we will have 10,000 megawatts produced daily by December 2013 en route to achieving the stated objective. 

Going further back, we all remember, or do we, that on 19th February 2008, the late President Yar’Adua had launched the Presidential Committee on the Accelerated Expansion of Power. He promised Nigeria that 18-months from that date, Nigeria would be producing at least 6,000 MW of power – i.e. by August 2009. Indeed, during the 2007 election campaigns, Obasanjo’s promise to Nigerians was that by December 2007, his NIPP projects alone would be producing 6,000 megawatts. Later, President Yar’Adua explained that President Obasanjo forgot to give contracts for the gas to fire the plants which he promised will be done by August 2009. As these promises claimed, we were on course to enjoy 20,000 megawatts of electricity by December 2010. Should we forget that the late Bola Ige promised us in June 1999 that by 2001, there will be so much electricity produced in Nigeria that those with private generators will be sorry for themselves as they will not need it and it will have no second-hand value as no one else will need it. Yes indeed, government by writing fiction as promise is an established tradition. 


Returning to the current state of affairs, we all recall that in April, without warning, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) raised the electricity tariff for most urban households and industries by 300 per cent, on the basis of a big lie. According to the Vice Chairman of NERC, Musiliu Oseni, Band A electricity consumers regularly get 20-plus hours supply of electricity a day and should pay much more than other consumers who get much less. These privileged Nigerians do not spend much money on fuel for their generators, so they have all the extra money that accrues to them to pay their DisCo. The problem is that everybody in this country knows that this is a lie, another fiction, as no sector of society regularly gets a minimum of 20 hours of electricity a day. You cannot build a new policy on lies and such a huge price increase in the middle of the most severe cost of living crisis in Nigerian history was a death sentence for the economy. We can see that clearly now as industries, hospitals, universities and even government departments are unable to pay their bills and are closing down or trying to operate in darkness.


The original sin was the mode of privatisation of the Nigerian electricity sector. It was a much-anticipated reform exercise that created much hope for Nigerians. Launched in 2010, the exercise was intended to modernise the sector and cater to the country’s growing demand for electricity. However, over a decade later, the desired outcomes have not materialised and the electricity available on the national grid to light homes and power the economy has stayed at an almost constant 4,500 megawatts (MW). One reason for this is the technical inefficiency of the grid, beginning with inefficient gas supplies, the inability of the transmission system to deploy adequate electricity, and the lack of investment by production and distribution companies.

Such inefficiencies in the sector are compounded by the ‘legacy’ corruption that has led to poor maintenance of the transmission network during state-ownership and to the presence of politically connected bidders in the privatisation process. The design of contracts and lack of regulatory oversight further deterred credible and technically competent investors during the bidding process. The politically connected nature of many of the acquisitions also mean the government is reluctant to take any tough decision with regard to the sector. The conditions in which consumers lack supply and firms are unable to make profits have given rise to a host of interdependent corruption mechanisms. As the sector moves deeper into loss, the space for formal earnings becomes narrower, and the perverse incentives to be corrupt deepens. This has now pushed the sector into a state of low-level equilibrium, with significant restructuring needed in order to turn things around. The DisCos, for example, have refused to provide metres to most consumers so that they can be charged what they have not been supplied. 

As a recent ACE-SOAS study of the Nigerian power sector reveals that the reality is that we Nigerian consumers spend more to purchase and maintain petrol and diesel generators than we do on electricity from the grid. The power sector reform has been a total failure and for that reason Nigerians are reluctant to pay more for a supply that is erratic and fails repeatedly. It is clear that Nigeria’s power sector is unsustainable, which has repercussions for inclusive growth. The current crisis is a liquidity crisis as a result of deep structural distortions in the sector. The design of contracts, post-privatisation, led to adverse selection, with only politically connected bidders participating in the process, rather than technically competent ones. These bidders used Nigerian banks for financing, which have ended up assuming much of the systemic risk. The financial health of the sector was based on tariffs and projections that could never be politically implemented. Projections for the performance of the sector were based on distribution and generation companies (which are not publicly listed) reinvesting in the sector to build technical capacity. Instead, the companies started paying themselves. Dramatic increases in tariff lead to more corruption, rather than improvement in power supply. The companies have no intention of investing to improve supply. The entire reform has to be reviewed because the dual goals of increasing efficiency and investment have failed significantly.

The larger question is that since Bola’ Ige’s promise to sort the problem 25 years ago, five successive presidents have promised to provide adequate power and failed woefully. Obasanjo and Buhari stand out as the greatest failures because they each had eight years and as Egypt has shown, that’s more than enough time to solve the problem. The result we can state categorically is that Nigerians governments have lost the capacity to govern any sector of the economy and society. Their greatest skill has been in corruption and not surprisingly, that has been the only growth sector in the country’s Fourth Republic. That is why I can say they have refused to power our development. We need our Lenin.

Professor Jibrin Ibrahim
Senior Fellow
Centre for Democracy and Development, Abuja
Follow me on twitter @jibrinibrahim17


Jun 22, 2024, 1:10:02 PMJun 22
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Ibrahim Jibrin : POWER !

At a first glance, what an exciting proposition - a headline laced with promise  - spontaneous excitement - at long last, instead of beating around the bush (like the cowards, the political harlots, hypocrites and opportunists) as was to be expected, an honourable straight-talking Nigerian such as Ibrahim Jibrin was gonna to take the bull by the horns, for once, throw discretion to the winds, if you will, and  - ojare - trample on the notion that “fools rush in where angels fear to tread”; as the headline suggests, no holds barred, with bare fangs, I assumed that he was going to go straight for the jugular of the sitting president; I was sure that there was going to be feast and Professor Jibrin’s unmerciful pen being mightier than the blade of his sword poor Tinubu was finally in trouble : the idea that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely - especially in Nigeria (sheer, naked power) was going to be the lynchpin of Ibrahim Jibrin’s post-doctoral thesis. At the back of my mind and maybe at the back of Peter Obi & Alhaji Atiku & the 87-year-old-elder, octogenarian-Obasanjo’s too, the still quiet or not so quiet voice of conscience ( et tu Brute? “God will never forgive me if I support Atiku for president ”etc  

Absolute power? But, dear God,  President Tinubu is not a dictator?

All of the above anticipations dashed to the ground - sadly - from the very first sentence down, and sounding a little like the parrot /perroquet named perogi, sadly, no revolution - it was only going to be about that trite, familiar, unending theme that is peculiar to Nigeria (“the sleeping giant”) only  - the interminable, continuing story of NEPA

Nigeria: Never expect power always

Doomsday :The day the dollar die

Diminished but not finished : Naira power, 

Big belle  & bottom belle power.

Afrobeat : Never expect power always 

To the politicians : Never expect power always 

Lou Reed :

I was visited by The Power and The Glory

I was visited by a majestic hymn

Great bolts of lightning

Lighting up the sky

Electricity flowing through my veins…”

So, how the hell is the much needed industrialization to be powered? Empowered?

The other kind of power :  Power to the people 

Democracy ought to mean that the people tell Mr President what to do , spell out his priorities - or else. And eight years is a long time, enough time for the sleeping giant to wake up from deep sleep. 

Re - “ Obasanjo and Buhari stand out as the greatest failures because they each had eight years as president and as Egypt has shown, that’s more than enough time to solve the problem.” ( Ibrahim Jibrin)

In the department of comparative failure/ achievement

Recommended reading:

# Ta-Nehisi Coates : WE were EIGHT YEARS in POWER  - An American Tragedy 

# Barack Obama : A Promised Land 

# Leon Thomas : Everything

Ibrahim Abdullah

Jun 22, 2024, 8:18:22 PMJun 22
to usaafric...@googlegroups.com
You cannot have a Lenin to operate within a neo-liberal framework--wishful thinking. Unbundle peripheral capitalism in Nigeria and embrace the developmental state model. 

That is the way to go--not the solution but the beginning of the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. 

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Jibrin Ibrahim

Jun 23, 2024, 6:33:22 AMJun 23
to usaafric...@googlegroups.com

Professor Jibrin Ibrahim
Senior Fellow
Centre for Democracy and Development, Abuja
Follow me on twitter @jibrinibrahim17

Ibrahim Abdullah

Jun 23, 2024, 7:01:37 AMJun 23
to usaafric...@googlegroups.com
I hear you!!! In that case I remain clueless. But the way you cavalierly deploy and juggle categories remain questionable. 

Toyin Falola

Jun 23, 2024, 7:10:44 AMJun 23
to usaafric...@googlegroups.com

Who is cavalier? Jibrin or Ibrahim? You responded to an essay in one sentence, whose meaning we have to go to a Marabout to decode.


Ibrahim Abdullah

Jun 23, 2024, 8:53:18 AMJun 23
to usaafric...@googlegroups.com
Who made you an arbiter? And on what grounds do you arrogate yourself the right to determine my response? Fara bale! 

Mr. E. B. Jaiyeoba

Jun 23, 2024, 1:19:13 PMJun 23
to usaafric...@googlegroups.com
The power situation in Nigeria is one that is easy to be apolitical about. It is also one problem that makes it easy to know that Nigerian politicians and leaders are not different across whatever political divide they group themselves. Another evidence of bad leadership in Nigeria is our inability to refine crude oil for so many years!!

These problems provide a thesis for individualistic examination of our political leaders rather than on any political party basis. The political parties are just vehicles for power grabbing.


Babatunde JAIYEOBA

E. Babatunde JAIYEOBA PhD
Professor of Architecture
Department of Architecture
Faculty of Environmental Design and Management
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria


Emeagwali, Gloria (History)

Jun 25, 2024, 3:36:44 PMJun 25
to Ibrahim Abdullah, usaafric...@googlegroups.com
The developmental state model
implies  nationalization,  dissolution of 
neo- liberal terms of governance, 
institutional  membership, and 
finance, and an end to toxic forms
of parliamentary democracy.
Malaysia’s Mahathir, Ethiopia’s
EPRDF in its earlier days,  
Singapore’sYew and 
a succession of regimes in China,
have implemented aspects of this,
model,  in varying degrees.

Intense application of solar panel
 technology, with the assistance 
of the world’s leader in that field- 
and determined, passionate, strategic 
leadership, could be a game changer
 in Nigeria.

The hope is that Mali, Burkina Faso
 and Niger could  lead the way out of
economic stagnation, by
applying some aspects of the
developmental model. There
are promising signs,  in terms
of power generation- but time
will tell whether Traore, Tchiani,
Goita and the AES, become
the new role models for African

Dr. Gloria Emeagwali
Professor of History/African Studies, CCSU
Chief Editor- "Africa Update"
Gloria Emeagwali's Documentaries
Founding Coordinator, African Studies, CCSU

Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2024 6:58 AM

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