Prince Harry is Right, and It's Not Just a Matter of Royal Gossip

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Bunmi fatoye-matory

Jan 25, 2023, 5:52:53 PM1/25/23
to USAAfrica Dialogue

Cornelius Hamelberg

Jan 26, 2023, 4:02:21 AM1/26/23
to USA Africa Dialogue Series
Prince Harry is Right, and It's Not Just a Matter of Royal Gossip

What's the next phase going to be? 
Are they going to litigate? All the way to the Privy Council? 
Take over, Windsor Castle? 

On Wednesday, 25 January 2023 at 23:52:53 UTC+1 Bunmi Fatoye-matory wrote:

Cornelius Hamelberg

Jan 26, 2023, 4:02:21 AM1/26/23
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

According to the Hebrew Bible: God is the King of Kings

At some time in history, the Israelites said that they wanted to be like other nations, so they got Saul 

 Tehillim: 24 //  Psalm 24 defines Kingship once again 

These days even as the war rages in Ukraine,  the Hollywood media is full of pros and cons about the personal ode of Harry & Meghan who tied the knot / got the knot tied in Church, at St George's Chapel at Windsor, to be precise 

What about taking their case to the King of Kings, petitioning HIM?

For those who want to be adored, here’s some advice from Rebbe Nachman

More advice to us poor mortals  - about eradicating who-ism and ego-ism

Concerning the term ignoramus, of course, there are various levels of ignorance 

Ah, the world in which we live! Yesterday, I read the first 30 pages of Michel Houellebecq’s Serotonin 

and a fat lot of good that did! 

Here is today’s itinerary 

Gloria Emeagwali

Jan 30, 2023, 3:11:16 AM1/30/23
I have just finished reading this
Illuminating memoir, Spare.You 
should read it,too. You can start
at page 267.A beautiful love story.

Then comes the intrusive, racist,
Insulting press.

“If there is issue from her alleged 
Union with Prince Harry, the
 Windsors will thicken their 
watery, thin blue blood………”
Boris Johnson’s sister

“Harry to marry into gangster
royalty.”Daily Mail

Much more than mean headlines
would follow. Total harassment.
Death threats. 

The first part was equally 
useful, revealing Harry’s
panic attacks, depression,
solace in war, drugs a
dysfunctional , abnormal 
context. Meghan Markle
was the princess who could
save him - and not the 
other way around as some
people would want to
believe.They both want
to run as far from Windsor
as they could- not take
it over.

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Cornelius Hamelberg

Jan 30, 2023, 4:52:32 PM1/30/23
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Gloria In Excelsis Emeagwali,

Don’t forget that I live in a monarchy too and that I hold the Royal House of Sweden in very high esteem. ABBA’s hit, Dancing Queen, was first performed on June 18th, 1976, the eve of the wedding between Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf and Silvia Sommerlath. I arrived at the Catskills Mountain, South Fallsburg,  New York, a few days after the wedding and celebrated the  USA’s 200th  Independence Anniversary on July 4th there…

You like to provoke me. I Cornelius should read it too. Read what? “This Illuminating memoir Spare”, according to you, is “A beautiful love story.”

 I suppose that’s why you read it. So who seduced who? I suppose Harry was given the royal treatment. Any details? Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll. Black & white, Black &  night! With Jimi Hendrix playing The Star-Spangled Banner, I can imagine the Royal couple in action. Babies makin’ babies

After reading the first couple of pages of the illuminating memoir, I doubt that Harry himself wrote it or could have written such elegant, royal prose. Not our Harry According to Wikipedia

I might as well send this to you now:  YHWH’s War Against the Egyptian Sun-God Ra

You take me back to the good old days when dear Akintola Wyse was my classmate at secondary school (1958 - 1965) and my roommate during our first year in college the following year. I gave Akintola the nicknames “ AJG” formally  and “Cromwell” ( affectionately)  after one of our interminable discussions about that period of British history that we were studying, and the name Cromwell actually stuck because Aki ( a staunch methodist) was very much like Oliver Cromwell in terms of his own personal military-style discipline and also because both he and Cromwell were staunch disbelievers in “The Divine Right of Kings” 

BTW, I lost my appetite for that kind of doctrine, shortly after the Islamic Revolution that toppled the Shah’s regime in Iran - and this was at a time when I knew next to absolutely nothing about Islam. I lost my appetite for the Divine Rights Doctrine after reading what I now understand could have been partly propaganda and I invite you to read it too if you haven’t already done so: “The Crowned Cannibals.”

( Cannibals and cannabis too might be too daunting a title for  you, and I shouldn’t want to scare you or rock your tender heart with the prospect of some gory details, but as per definition there’s also what some critics refer to as “spiritual cannibalism” such as when Christian folks drink the blood and eat the flesh of Jesus as per the doctrine of transubstantiation

Back to our main menu: The Harry & Meghan debacle. Their main problem is that they don’t want to take up their cross and humbly follow Jesus in this vale of tears. They  - it would seem especially she -  wants to be bathed in glory - royal glory, as the King of Kings of Kings , namely the Almighty’s family shadow down here on earth, they don’t want to be recognised as ordinary mortals any more - and she - status-conscious as she is certainly doesn’t want to be treated as a “vermin”. Do you remember that Yosef Ben-Jochannan lecture culminating in the punchline, his exact words, “a Nigger Queen”? They want to be recognised as the cream  - top members of Great Britain’s great Royal family  - heck - if Harry was first instead of fifth in line of succession to the throne, and even as fifth in line of succession, it shouldn’t take much to imagine that Meghan Markle could have been dreaming - not necessarily along the lines of that other king,  the Rev. Dr Martin Luther King’s “ I have a dream “ or his Letter from Birmingham Jail

Of course, if Meghan had been a disciple of Malcolm X, it's doubtful that she would have wound up getting married to a geezer or grizzly teddy bear like Harry. If she had been a disciple of Steve Biko of the Black Consciousness trajectory it could have gone either way; dreaming of marrying the next Zulu King, dreaming of dancing like Josephine Baker, dreaming of playing the movie role of Cleopatra  - like Elisabeth Taylor, or even getting marinated with someone like Richard Burton, or mated with soul brother Forest Whitaker’s version of “The Last King of Scotland

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Who’s dreaming of playing the role of Monica Lewinsky? 

As Baratunde Thurston told us here  “ In a way, marrying into the British royal family was the Blackest thing she’d ever done. It put her in a world where the racial contrast was heightened, and as a result, she was perceived as foreign, inferior, and Other. She was a Black woman who didn’t have to identify as Black until she threw herself into one of the whitest institutions on the planet.”

I dream of Meghan too, as Queen the UK -  Black Queen -  dolled up in white gloves up to the elbows and white furs,  and instead of one of Princess Margaret's fancy hats, rubbing noses with the country gentry and the aristocracy as Ascot, wearing that royal jewel-studded crown on her head, Her Majesty the Queen’s Crown, “made of gold and set with 2,868 diamonds, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, 269 pearls, and 4 rubies!”, Queen Meghan’s serving maids of many colours humbly bowing and curtseying in her direction… 

You'd be in good company if you joined forces with Baba Kadiri on reading and discussing Harry’s “ illuminating memoir” He ( Baba Kadiri) tells me that the original manuscript was over 800 pages long but had to be cut down to its final size for publication in order to avoid a slew of litigations from various personalities and of course the tabloid press, for libel, slander, character assassination, maybe even treason and worse  - for which they would have to pay dearly from either Meghan’s hard-earned earnings and Prince Harry’s privileged royal  British £Pound Sterling from the royal or national treasury from where he still gets his share of the patrimony.  

I suppose you’d like a standard anti-racist and anti-tribalism Pan-African policy paper on this Harry- Meghan Affair, nailed by the African Union  - the African Union which so far has refused to admit Haiti as a full-fledged, most welcome member. I was thinking about Meghan and Harry being battered and bruised by some British tabloids the way that Tyre Nichols was battered and bruised by his own kind…

I think that Harry / Meghan would like you to renounce your last paragraph and replace it with this  new title :
If you can't beat them, join them  - it's Harry & Meghan and the young Mountbattens  that are going to do the joining, not the other way around  

Will Fyffe: I belong to Glasgow

Cornelius Hamelberg

Jan 30, 2023, 6:24:09 PM1/30/23
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

After checking out your references I’ve decided that I’m not going to read “Share”

I’ll ask Baba Kadiri to tell me the story. How is the story going to affect their kids? 

What you referred  to:  

Meghan Markle was the princess who could save him ( the knight in shining armour who says he killed 25 Taliban warriors…

Save me

Nina Simone: Save Me  

On Monday, 30 January 2023 at 09:11:16 UTC+1 Gloria Emeagwali wrote:

Emeagwali, Gloria (History)

Jan 30, 2023, 6:24:09 PM1/30/23
to Cornelius Hamelberg, USA Africa Dialogue Series
JR. Moehringer is Spare’s 
ghost writer who knocked the work
into shape. The fancy prose is his.

I notice that you have some
unexplained hostility to Megan.

“It’s the woman who did it”…..
not him! 

“That wretch trapped the innocent 
lad”- (who killed at least 25 people)-
you seem to think.

But I insist that you read the
entire book and then come to
whatever reasonable conclusion 
you deem appropriate.

Professor Gloria Emeagwali
Prof. of History/African Studies, CCSU; gloriaemeagwali
Recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Research
Excellence Award, Univ. of Texas at Austin;
2019 Distinguished Africanist Award
New York African Studies Association

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