November 3, 1959
Taken fom pp 290 ff of "Awo: The Autobiography of Chief Obafemi Awolowo", Cambridge University Press, 1960
Before I left the Region, I took the opportunity of a meeting
of the Legislature in November to make a valedictory address
to the two Houses. Nothing, in my humble opinion, could be
more fitting as a finale to this chapter than extracts from that
valedictory speech. On 3 November 1959, addressing the
House of Assembly, I said, among other things, these words:
Eight years are a short period in the life of a legislature. .. . But
the eight years since January 1952 have been packed with delibera-
tions, decisions and actions of an exceptionally momentous and
memorable kind.
The government and the opposition do differ quite naturally,
most often very strongly, on the merits of the achievements of the
government and of the Legislature of this Region since 1952. But
there can be no conscientious dispute as to the facts of those achieve-
In the course of our journey, the government and the Legislature
have erected a number of truly brilliant and imperishable mile-
stones. These have been a credit to us.
When the battle for 1956 as a target date for Nigeria’s independ-
ence raged fiercely in 1953, it was our Legislature alone that passed
resolutions in support. By means of resolutions unanimously passed
in this honourable House and in the other place, we were, by a
long stretch, first in the field in opting for Regional self-government
which eventually served as the precursor to national independence,
and as the most powerful instrument for accelerating the advent
of Nigeria’s freedom.
When we first assembled here in January 1952, with the exception
of a few members we were all new to a parliamentary life as distinct
from extra-parliamentary political activities. There were cynics as
well as well-meaning people who thought and predicted that we
would make a mess of our great and historic assignment.
It would be pretentious to suggest that we had not made mistakes,
but which earthly institution is free from these unavoidable human
frailties? Indeed we have made our mistakes. But on the whole it
is correct and incontrovertible to say that the Parliament and
government of this Region have conducted themselves and the
affairs of the Region in strict accordance with the best traditions;
with credit to ourselves, honour to our Region, country and race;
and glory to God.
It is the duty of the government resolutely to govern the people
under its jurisdiction according to its light and judgment. On the
other hand, it is the duty of the opposition to express its views
candidly in opposition to any government measure which in its
view is not in the best interest of the people. Criticisms have been made
in this House, especially during the consideration of Bills, that the
government does not often give regard to opposition views. Thc
truth is that it is neither politic nor wise for a government to submit
or appear to submit in the open, on major issues, to the opposition.
It must be clearly recognised, however, by those who have learnt
anything about the running of a government that in the private
counsels of a Cabinet and the Government Party, the SPIRIT of the
opposition is always present. It is present to warn the government
of the day against acts and measures which might give the opposition
the cudgel with which to whip the government and attract the
majority of the people to its side....
The aim of a good government is the welfare of the entire people
under its jurisdiction. In pursuance of this aim, it is impossible for
a government to please everyone. As long, however, as the govern-
ment is satisfied that any given policy, measure, programme, or
legislation, will rebound to the greatest good of the greatest number
of the citizens under its charge, it should be inflexible in its path.
This indeed has been the guiding principle of the government which
I have headed since 1952.
Under God’s guidance, dominated in our thoughts, counsels and
actions to do the best we ever can for all our people, and occasionally
restrained by the SPIRIT of the opposition, I am satisfied that my
government and this honourable House have done exceedingly
well for this Region. We have set a pace and a standard unequalled
and unsurpassed in the annals of our great country.
Since 15 March 1957, when I declared my intention to
leave Regional politics for good for the Centre, some friends and
admirers have wondered why I have chosen to relinquish the cer-
tainty of a Regional Premiership for the probability of a Federal
Prime Ministership. My attitude on this issue, however, is clear and
unequivocal. I have never had any doubts that the place for the
leader of a nation-wide political organisation is the Centre. When
my party won the Regional Elections in 1951 we decided that I
should lead the team in the Western Region because we realised
then that it was only at the Regional level that Party policies and
programmes could be put into effect. We had the burning desire
to demonstrate to the world Nigerians’ capabilities in the art of
government, and to establish, through our performances in the
Western Region, a firm basis for the accelerated advancement of
the country as a whole towards independence. With the attainment
of self-government by the Western Region in 1957 and the irrev-
ocable promise of Independence for Nigeria on 1 October 1960,
our objectives have been realised and my assignment in the
Western Region is completely discharged. From December this
year, it is at the Centre that I will exhibit my political activities,
playing there such role as Providence may from time to time entrust
to my party and to me.
I have come here this morning, therefore, to take my bow on this
exalted stage, to the audience before whom I have performed, these
eight years past.
The undoubted, outstanding and epoch-making successes which
have characterised my regime have not been achieved single-
handed. I have owed these successes to God’s abiding grace and
mercy, and to the co-operation of all my colleagues without excep-
tion. I take this opportunity to pay public tribute to my cabinet
and Parliamentary colleagues for their patriotism, public-spirited-
ness and devotion to duty; and for their unwavering loyalty to the
noble cause of our great party and to my leadership.
However much one may dislike the methods of some individual
opposition members, the fact remains, and I hereby publicly and
gratefully acknowledge it, that under the leadership of the Honour-
able Dennis Osadebay, the opposition has made worthy contribu-
tions to the healthy growth of parliamentary democracy in this Region.
As I leave this honourable House certain things give me great
satisfaction and confidence as to the future of this Region. Firstly,
I am leaving behind a team of ministers whose competence and
sense of duty are undoubted; a fair-minded and proficient Speaker,
and a body of legislators whose patriotism has never been in question.
Secondly, the team of ministers is going to be led by a colleague
whose wise counsels and advice have been of great help to me in my
conduct of the affairs of this Region. Thirdly, our civil service is
exceedingly efficient, absolutely incorruptible in its upper stratum,
and utterly devoted and unstinting in the discharge of its many and
onerous duties. For our civil servants, government workers and
labourers to bear, uncomplainingly and without breaking down,
the heavy and multifarious burdens with which we have in the
interest of the public saddled them, is an epic of loyalty and devo-
tion, of physical and mental endurance, and of a sense of mission,
on their part. From the bottom of my heart I salute all of them.
Fourthly, our police force is impartial and efficient and is capable
of maintaining law and order, and of speedily coping with any
breach or attempted breach of it. Fifthly, we have a judiciary
which is independent and impartial in every sense of the word, and
a thoroughly upright, knowledgeable and fearless Public Service
Commission. Sixthly, the economy of the Region is in a very healthy
state, and the finances of the government are sound and buoyant.
I want to end this valedictory speech by paying special tribute
to the Obas, Chiefs and people of the Region. It is the loyalty,
patriotism, obedience to constituted authority, and sense of civic
responsibility on the part of the vast majority of them that have
made the governmental regime and era with which my name will
for ever be associated in this Region such a supreme and completely
satisfying success.