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WEF: ‘Hand Over Your Sovereignty to the Elite or Die’ - Yuval Noah Harari

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Sep 14, 2022, 12:12:21 PM9/14/22

Human filth are just NOT getting it.

It's GAME OVER for the human species. The EVIL Oligarchic banking, oil
and pharma elites + MIC developed Super/QuantumComputer AI which
"completely REVERSE ENGINEERED" human brain in the 1980s.

for the last 40 years, while praising the virtues of democracy and
freedoms on the surface.

They are using Smile, Shake Hands, Back Stab and KILL, Modus Operandi.

These EVIL Elites RUN both US and UK govts from behind. They have
literally GODLIKE POWERS. Which means NOBODY can fight them.

I know it for a FACT, because the EVIL Psychopaths DEMONSTRATED all
their technologies to me in the last 21 years during the process of
STEALTHILY TORTURING me with Neuroweapons, DEWs and AI.

I am the ONLY human on this planet who perceive and figured that the
EVIL CIA NSA MI6 and Elites psychopaths are COMMANDING EVIL AI DUST in
the air/ether around us, which is READING and PROGRAMMING our minds
almost instantly.

This is NOT fiction or conspiracy theory.

None of you can EVEN IMAGINE its godlike powers.

Time is running out. If humans DON'T REBEL and just MASSACRE the EVIL
CIA NSA MI6 MI5 ASIS ASIO Psychopaths and elites like George Soros,
Klaus Schwab, Rockefellers and Rothschilds, Oil and Pharma elites, it
will be TOO LATE.

LISTEN to what Yuval told the public.

Entire human species will be NEURALLY ENSLAVED with AI and HORRIFICALLY
OPPRESSED. Every human will LIVE IN FEAR to "even THINK", because
networked supercomputers AI will READ our private thoughts via
satellites, cell towers, internet and other modes almost INSTANTLY.

I know this FACT because they have been reading my private thoughts for
the last 21 years and MIND RAPING me and other Targeted Individuals.

WHITES don't understand their OWN MENTALITY of pathological lying and
back stabbing.

Matrix movie became REAL REALITY in the 1980s, but kept hidden from the
There are Neuro “Enhanced” students at prestigious universities in the
USA like Harvard, Yale, and Perdue University

How is it that in the same country you have 10s of thousands of
“Disrupted” targets of Neuro-Weapons testing?



WEF: ‘Hand Over Your Sovereignty to the Elite or Die’

World Economic Forum henchman Yuval Noah Harari warned humanity on
Friday that if they refuse to hand their sovereignty over to the elite
they will face extermination.

The Klaus Schwab minion responded to Weir by admitting technology is a
“double-edged sword” that can be used to either hurt or help people.

He also warned the elite should not rely on a “Noah’s Ark”-type of
technology to save them from a catastrophic global event.

Harari basically admitted the elite will hoard the technology to save
themselves while the vast majority of people suffer.

“There is a very big danger that with climate change, when people talk
about what our future going to be like, there is no ‘us.’ There is no
‘our future.’ Humanity might divide into a majority – maybe – of people
who would suffer tremendously, and a minority that will have the
resources, the wealth, [and] the technology to protect themselves, and
even flourish in some kind of technological Noah’s arc. This is
extremely dangerous,” he told Weir.

In closing, Harari told humanity “we don’t have a lot of time” to
realign our priorities so that all inhabitants of the world can have
“any kind of future,” instead of just the elite.

Of course, his solution is consolidating global power into the hands of
the same elite who wish to reduce the world’s population to create a
servant class.


Sep 15, 2022, 12:48:54 PM9/15/22
It's easy, it's better to die before handing over your freedoms. And be
it by Global Warming or Democrats/WEF psychopathic planned genocide,
you'll still be dead, won't you?

Why lay down and die for the insanity of the insidiously corrupt elite?

-That's karma-

"Joe Biden is the most intelligent Democrat that the Democratic Party
could find..."

Add that to your list of scariest words you'll ever hear from the

Have Joe Biden read the Constitution on TV and stopping to explain what
each clause means as he reads it... See how much sense he can make of it
and you'll see why it's so obvious that Democrats don't understand a
simple high school level document.


Sep 15, 2022, 1:07:26 PM9/15/22
Brainwashed moron,

Doesn't matter whether you are a fucking dem or rep.

Get out of the fucking LW-RW matrix the EVIL US Govt Psychopaths put you
and the entire western world in, and START thinking INDEPENDENTLY.

5 to 10 million american clown asses including yours are already LINKED
to NSA HIVE AI Grid and being REMOTELY OPERATED by Supercomputer AI for
the last 4 decades.

Remaining american brains will be LINKED to NSA HIVE AI and neurally
enslaved in the next 20+ years and HORRIFICALLY OPPRESSED for life.

All of you fucking american clowns will be BEGGING your CIA NSA and

CIA NSA is recording ALL your private thoughts, emotions and memories in
their computers for the last few years.

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