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Script to overcome Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in 2 hours tops.

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David Brager

Feb 19, 2005, 12:37:26 PM2/19/05
Dear Sirs and Madams of the US Military:

I'm an old computer hack who has done strictly volunteer work as an
experimental hypnotist for over twenty years in the USA so I could develop
a consistent method to the use of hypnosis. I have placed a method, as
well as the terminology "scrypnosis" (which thus differentiates from
typical hypnosis techniques), into the public domain in February 2003,
which was posted to the USENET newsgroups in March 2003 and can be found in
Google's newsgroup archive at this link (it needs to be all on one line,
but had to be cut in half for USENET posting requirements):

What follows is a script of which I gave rights to Francis Kofi for the UN
so they can use it for universal survival, especially in times of war and
natural (unnatural) disasters (like the Tsunami, etc).

The problem with hypnosis is that it's a "trust me" system, and no one in
their right mind should trust someone like this. On the other hand, people
do trust contracts, and you, who have signed up to serve this nation, know
about contracts.

From my research, I discovered the human mind really was a computer and can
be proactively maintained like a mainframe. As long as the listener, in
advance, reads every word, that person's brain will know what's coming,
right? Well, in this process, by reading the entire script in advance, you
compile the logic. This is consistent with mainframes in that, by pre-
compiling a program, the mainframe can accept or reject the logic at a safe
point in time in advance so that the program can be fixed and rewritten. I
recommend no less than an hour prior to the session, and if possible, a
week to think about it, and to add modules to it (see for
cut-and-paste'able modules).

From having run this one script, over and over, and tweaking the logic to
perfection (whatever the hell perfection means in an human context), the
script is consistent, you only need to run it once, and once run, people
generally reboot their logic within two weeks, while, at the same time,
getting over their mental and emotional baggage in this one session.

I've run this script for Vietnam Vets (as well as rape victims, child abuse
victims, and others) with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and their
flashbacks went away after only the one session. As you're in war, I think
this is a valid reason to support why I'm posting this here in your
discussion group.

The upshot is allowing people to get on with life, whatever that leads them
to exist. You can run it more than once, but I recommend only doing a
therapy session once (or at least once in a long while), and recreational
uses only after establishing an "anchor in reality" (especially for those
who want to experience role playing games (like seeing "real monsters"
while playing Dungeons and Dragons)).

You'll need to find a warm, quiet, safe place, it only takes about 90 to
120 minutes to run, and you might get the listener a blanket, for more
blood rushes to the brain during the use of this process, which can cause
coldness at the extremities (hands and feet). This is consistent with
winter coldness, so a warm hat can often do the trick if no blanket is

My website freely disseminates my work at and there's
nothing for sale. Being XXY with klinefelter's syndrome and obesity issues
from this ignoble birth defect, I was not allowed to join the US Army when
I applied in the 1980's (and, yes, I took the ASVAB), but being that I love
this country, and I respect you for your work, I want to bring my best
efforts to you. (By the way, I had a gastric bypass April 1, 2004 when I
was 451 pounds and so far, I'm now 313 (as of Monday).)

Thank you for your love of this country and your personal impact in your

The following is the exact script I use for a first-time scrypnosis session
for people who say they don't have night terrors. Please edit it to fit
your needs, especially if there are any parts to which you disagree. When
you are done, either find someone to read it to you, make your own
recording, or it may even be done over the phone.

You supply the "Who" and the script supplies the "What"...The person whom
reads it to you supplies the "How." This approach works within a single
session that, generally, does not need repeated. Therefore, if you feel
the need for extended counseling, you should arrange that on your own.

The purpose of this script is to let you do some major housekeeping of your
memories, moving those that you choose as hurtful to places where they no
longer hurt you, while recalling the memories you love so you can relive
them fully. Reality is what YOU make of it.

By editing this script and making it your words that you would like to say
to yourself, I (or anyone), by reading it to you, allow you to help you
change your future from the path you have traversed in decision making,
which brought you to this point. It's easy to not remember where you put
your keys last night. However, painful memories, which are forcefully
forgotten, can, with this process, be effortlessly moved to a part of your
mind where you choose to not remember them. This then releases stress that
you told your mind to create for you.

Hypnosis is a lousy word. As you will see, it's story time, you're
listening to the reader, and drifting into your imagination. That's all it
is. That's all it ever was. It's just that you're in control, and
learning to use even more control you never knew you had.

Take we go!

Basic Scrypnosis Script

"How old are you now? What are your beliefs right now? As you think upon
these answers, you have established what I call your Current Age In Life
State Of Mind, or CAILSOM for short. Through the use of this script, you
will change the ways you remember your past, you will revise decisions and
make better your resolve as to how you would have dealt with issues in your
life. And so, as you do this, you will instantly effect your CAILSOM.
This script will run longer for older people, who have more memories, or
shorter for younger people, who have less experiences. Therefore, if this
script is used for a group session, it is so noted that you will do as much
as you can in the time allotted, and if need be, you can re-run this script
again later. It is recommended that this script be run no less than two
weeks between sessions, as it takes about that long for your brain to sort
out what all it has learned from each session.

"I am going to count from ten to one, and as I am counting, I want you to
concentrate on becoming more comfortable and more relaxed. If at any
moment, you feel like coughing, laughing, passing gas, scratching or moving
in any way so that you are more comfortable than you currently are, do it.
As in life, if something is bothering you, fix it, and it will immediately
go away and stop bothering you.

"For a moment here, I want you to move all your toes, then move your
ankles, then flex your legs at your knees, and then your legs at your hips.
Take a deep breath and then exhale fully. Now move and rotate your neck.
Roll your eyes. Smile. Now move and rotate your arms at your shoulders.
Now move at the elbows. Now at move and rotate at your wrists. Now move
all your fingers.

"Good. By moving these muscles, your body applied electrical energy which
cause the muscles to tension. This gives you something you can feel, and
now, as you are here, you are feeling these muscles relax...feeling that
electrical energy lessening from the muscles. This relaxation feels really

"Let us begin. If your eyes are not already closed, please close them

"Ten, just concentrate on relaxing your feet. Let all the muscles in your
feet feel really comfortable. You are letting them be comfortable. Let all
the muscles in your toes feel very loose and limp; very relaxed. You can
only hear my voice. And this wonderful wave of relaxing pleasure runs all
the way down your ankles, past your heels, all the way down to your toes.
Very relaxed and very comfortable.

"Nine, now just relax your leg muscles, knees, thighs, and shins. Don't
worry about your feet. Just let all of the muscles in your legs get very
loose and limp; very comfortable and very, very relaxed. Very relaxed. Let
your thigh muscles relax. Let all the muscles in your shins get very loose.
And this wonderful wave of relaxing pleasure runs down your legs, past your
knees, past your ankles, all the way down to your toes. Very relaxed, and
very, very comfortable.

"At eight, relax your neck, back, chest and stomach muscles. Take a really
deep breath...and as you exhale, feel how your body naturally relaxes. It's
a good feeling. Let all the muscles in your neck feel really loose. You
can only hear my voice. Let your stomach muscles feel very, very relaxed.
And this wonderful wave of relaxing pleasure splashes onto your neck, then
runs down your back, past your chest, past your waist, past your knees,
past your ankles, all the way down to your toes. Very relaxed, and very,
very comfortable.

"Seven. Now relax your arms, hands, and all your fingers. Let all the
muscles in your fingers relax. If something is bothering you, fix it and
become more comfortable. Let all the muscles in your arms feel really
comfortable. And this wonderful wave of relaxing pleasure comes in from
your fingertips, pushing all of the stress and fatigue out of your body. It
feels so good. It comes up your arms, splashing on your neck, running down
your back, down your legs, all the way down to your toes. Very relaxed and
very, very comfortable.

"Six. You might feel like you are awake, like you are not hypnotized, but,
for some reason, you are very relaxed. If you feel this, this is what
hypnosis actually feels like. It's normal. Don't worry about it. You
might feel like millions of cotton balls gently pressing down all over. If
you feel this, this is gravity. Don't worry about it. I want you to
imagine that you're floating down on a cloud. The farther down you float,
the more relaxed you get. The more relaxed you get, the better you feel,
and the better you feel causes you to float down even more. Always getting
more relaxed. Always feeling better. Always floating farther and farther

"Five. Your feet and your legs feel great, just the way they are. Take a
really deep breath. And you find that you can only hear my voice.

"Four. As you exhale, relax. Your neck, back, chest, and stomach muscles
feel really good, just the way they are. Your arms, hands and your fingers
feel just fine, just the way they are.

"Three. And you are floating even farther down, always more relaxed. The
more relaxed you get, the better you feel, and now you are feeling really

"Two. And you will remember everything you choose to remember. To forget
means you know something and then have to black the thought out. On the
other hand, it is so easy to not remember some things, like losing your
keys. We will try to remember things you have had to forget, and if need
be, make them so that you just don't remember them. Take a deep
breath...and relax......


"Now, in your mind's eye, I want you to find yourself in a most vividly
imagined place. This is an exercise in imagination, and the more details
you allow yourself to see, the deeper you will get into a subconscious
state. I want you to find yourself in the middle of a safe and wide open
field. This is more a valley. There are trees on the hills around it.
There's a stream that's a safe distance away with a bridge. There's a
house in the distance. I want you to look around and tell me about
everything you see, and as you do so, allow your imagination to add
infinite details, so as to make this more much more real than
reality. "

"Look at the stream. What do you see?"
"You have a cup with you. What does the water taste like?"
"There's someone you recognize coming out of the house. Who is it?"
"You enter the house and smell something cooking in the Kitchen. What is

(Beginning the actual session)

"As you go out the back door of the place, you find yourself in a room with
white walls, florescent lighting, a white vinyl floor, and in the middle of
the room, a garbage can with a hinged, though tight fitting, lid. As you
lift the lid and look inside, you see it's absolutely clean. Looking to
the wall, you see a friendly looking red button, much like you would find
on an arcade video game, and as you press it, you hear a light squeak from
inside the garbage can.

"As you now look inside the can, you see that there is an electric elevator
lift inside it. You climb in and press the down button, and it takes you
to a well lit concrete basement room. It's clean and huge, going on for
many hundred feet in all directions. This is the place where you will now
move each and every memory that bothers you. By moving any memory here,
you will have the ability to retrieve it at any time, but until you need
it, you will find that you will effortlessly not remember anything you
place here, and so, by not remembering it, you will have control over the
memory...and it will never affect you in any way ever again.

"Take the lift back up and climb out of the can.

In your mind, you find yourself relaxing in a most comfortable chair and
watching a TV show about your life. Notice, as you are sitting here, there
is a remote control in your hand, and on this remote you will notice a big
red button, similar to the one on the wall. This button, upon pushing it,
will allow you to take the memory that you are seeing on the television
screen and placing it, by your choice, into the garbage can as a memory
that you do not want to remember.

By going back in your life's memory, find yourself watching the point of
where, in your life, this was the first time where something happened to
you, in your life, that you disliked the memory enough to try to black it
out, that you wish had never happened to you, and you have done everything
that you can to forget it. So, as you press and hold down the red button,
the tape backs up a bit and you find yourself at the beginning of this
experience. For this moment, we will call this, "The Beginning." Using
your current age in life state of mind (CAILSOM), review what happened in
this experience without actually reliving the experience, so as to analyze
exactly why you wanted to black it out. Now, using your wisdom, I want you
now to see if you can come up with a different way to deal with this
situation, starting at "The Beginning," so that you stop forgetting the
memory, and, instead, move the original memory into the garbage can, while
replacing it with this new, revised way to handle this memory.

As you release the red button, the garbage can, which is an automated
system, places this memory into it. Immediately after you release the
button, you find that you are released from the memory. The original
world of this memory will forever be lifted off your shoulders. For a
moment, give yourself forgiveness for having held this memory against
yourself for so long, and if you need to, cry, but instantly feel courage
to push the fast forward button, which will take you now to the next such
memory that you have tried to forget or wish had never happened to you, so
you can tackle next memory...and the next and this manner, until
you reach that point in time where we are now at this age, at your age,
that age you were when we began this session. This will happen faster
and faster until all you have to do is press and release the red button.
Raise your left hand when you're done."

(About two to ten minutes elapse, based on the age of the listener and the
amount of turmoil this person has survived for this housekeeping to occur)

"Lower your left hand. Okay, now, on your remote, I want you to push the
rewind button, which takes you instantly to the beginning of your life
memory, and now, I want to introduce you to the blue button. This time
through your entire life memory, press and release the fast forward button.
It will automatically stop at each time in your memory wherein you felt
guilt or fear. Guilt is typically someone else's value structure that is
superimposed over your own. Fear is often a reactive state. So, by using
blue button, your mind will automatically invent a proactive way to deal
with the memories of these situations using your CAILSOM. What you will do
is press and hold the blue button when you come to a memory wherein you
ever felt guilt or fear. As you analyze the TV's story of what happened to
cause you to feel guilt or fear, and, then, the tape will go back to the
beginning of this current blue button experience and, this time, using
your CAILSOM, you will create an alternative decision on how you would,
right here and right now, deal with this situation, so as to conclude
without feeling either guilt or fear, and instead enact the choice of
having learned something, and subsequently, forever more, to turn off the
guilt and fear. This is your are in total control. So, as you
release the blue button, your mind will automatically place that guilt-
inducing or fear-inducing memory into the garbage can and replace this
newly revised version into your life memory. This will happen faster and
faster until all you have to do is press and release the blue button.
Raise your right hand when you're done."

(Once again, about two to five minutes elapse for this housekeeping to

"Lower your right hand. Okay, now I want you to go back to the first time
something wonderful happened to you. I want you to relive this memory as
if it is happening to you right now. When that memory is through, go to
the next and next, so you refresh and relive your entire, wonderful life.
Wave your left hand when you're done."

(2-5 minutes)

"You can stop waving your left hand. Now that you have taken control over
your life memory, let your self-esteem increase. You're worth it. You
have nothing from which to fear anymore. Those memories which controlled
you...are now controlled by you. They are safely away. Build your self-
esteem and self-love. Forgive yourself for any self-deflating fear or
emotions you have had. You don't need them anymore. You're stronger than

From now on, if anyone ever says anything or does anything to hurt you, the
very instant you realize they are intentionally doing so is the instant you
realize that they are not that important at this moment. Be careful with
this. Learn what you choose to learn from the experience, if you believe
the criticism to be constructive, and immediately adapt whatever lessons
you feel the need to act upon, but if the person is being hyper-critical or
abusive, you will notice that suddenly everything else in the room is far
more important and so you hear everything except whatever is being said by
this person. However, in all cases, you are responsible for your own
actions, so be wary of your choices.

"Through this process, you have set up a series of mental machines, or, if
you will, computer programs for your mind, that you have used to process
information which you have stored. You will find that they will serve you
now for the rest of your life, just as you have used them today, so that
instead of having a reactive existence, you will have a proactive
existence, and your life will go along more smoothly, for you will be able
to digest any situation at your leisure, that no one can ever bother you,
and you will no longer be giving up control in any way. You have total
control, but at your leisure.

There is one last routine you need to run. Once again, I want you to
imagine a TV screen with the face of the person about whom you have the
strongest hate memories. In your hand is a remote control, and on the
remote is a friendly looking green button that reads "Clear all." When you
press and hold the button, all feelings you have for this person are
forever removed so that you have no feelings for this person at all as well
as no memories of this person, ever. No positive emotions, no negative
emotions, no feelings whatsoever. It's not that you're numb, its just
that, through their own action, they must be returned to that group of
people whom you don't know and don't want to know. As soon as you release
the green button, that face disappears and is replaced with the next person
for whom you have either only hate or both love and hate feelings. As you
look in their eyes and see them, then press and release the gree button.
Automatically, you will eliminate them from your life, from all memories,
ever. Wave your right hand when you are done.

(Wait 2 to 5 minutes)

You can stop waving your right hand. From now on, if you meet any of these
people, you will treat them as if you are meeting someone new, and though
you will have this flag to remind you that you don't want to know this
person, at least you're in control over yourself and they will have no
emotional impact on you whatsoever, for they have earned the distinction of
being unworthy of your love, of your life, and of your memories.

(If there are any further scripts to be added, this is the place to insert

"From now on, let yourself enjoy life, one moment at a time. Take time to
look at the clouds and let your imagination go. Be a kid again, and let
your heart be free. This being a grown up concept is for the birds. You
can be mature without being ancient. Live a little...heck, live a lot. At
any time that you want, squeeze your fist for a moment and turn up your
happiness. You're in such control, you don't even need to squeeze your
fist...just do it. Your emotions are at your control...not the other way

"Through this process, you have spent time reorganizing the way you process
information. It will come to you, as it always has, but now you can relax,
identify it, digest it, process it, and live it. You're safer for you
will, by your own will, be a new person, not because someone told you to
be, but because you read through the script, you edited it to your wants
and desires, you found someone you trusted to help you do the session, or
made this tape, if this is an audio tape of your own making, and you know
that this is what you want. You are in control of the best part of you.

"I want you to set a key word. This word can only be used by you,
internally. The only way this word can work is for you to take a deep
breath...then take a couple normal breaths...and when you choose to take a
second deep breath, you say this word as you exhale. As you say this word,
to yourself, you will immediately close your eyes and slip down into a
relaxing sleep, all the way to as far down as you are currently rested...or
even further. Every time you do this form of self-relaxation...self-
hypnosis...meditation...or whatever word makes you feel find
that you can go even deeper than you did the last time.

"No one can ever speak this word to you and have any effect upon you. Let
us set this word now...and the word is 'Soma.' "

(or any other word that you would choose...I suggest Soma as it's breathy,
uncommon in the US English language, and easy to say in a whisper)

(Post-Hypnotic Suggestions go here)

"Okay, now I am going to count from five to one. When I get to one, you
will totally awaken from this place, this state of mind, and you will feel
energized, you will feel love, you will feel great joy and happiness, and
it's all because you simply want to feel that way.

" up..."

© 2003 David I. Brager Released freely for strictly private, non-
commercial use.

Contractual Understanding and Use Agreement

I have read this Scrypnosis script and agree to the fact that if someone
were to read this to me, and if I choose to act upon these suggestions
exactly as written, such actions would be from by my own volition. I
further warrant and accept that any outcomes or results of such actions
will remain my own responsibility and will, in no way, be construed or
impiled to be the responsibility of any other person. Therefore, by
signing this contract, I hereby realize and accept that the writer or
reader of said script is in no way a hypnotist, and therefore, I release
such person or personss from any liability for either writing or reading
this script to me, as well as any sound effects and/or other environmental
changes to make the experience more real. I hereby agree that any action I
may choose to take in following any of the suggestions noted from such a
script at any time, ever, are completely of my own choice, my own volition,
and my own control. All hypnosis is self-actuated and therefore, I am the
only hypnotist in my life, ever.

Signed this ___________ day of ______,
Scrypnosis Patient

Signed this ___________ day of ______,

Signed this ___________ day of ______,

I have a scrypnosis discussion group at Yahoo if anyone wants to post for
Q&A, and I make a point, as time permits, to answer any hypnosis question
no matter how tWIStEd. I don't use or visit the USENET group alt.hypnosis.
There are enough flakes in there to make a dermatologist nervous.

If anyone sees Dr. Jeff Alden, M.D. in Germany, please send my hellos
(hallos?). He was my roommate at Washington State University the first
time I tried to go there (with undiscovered learning disabilities
(obsessive-compulsive disorder, dyslexia, and non-hyperactive ADD (I
finally graduated in Dec. 2002))).

Peace, somehow in this madness.

Dave Brager
Richland, WA, USA
Home of an atomic bomb and other light classics.
(and if you see a copy of the book "The Darwin Awards: Evolution in Action"
turn to page 308 to see one experiment that nearly won me one of these

Feb 8, 2020, 8:28:42 AM2/8/20
I no longer own If anyone gets a reply from since 2010, it's not me.

I no longer own With a coup, I applied internet tools to US History, found a consistent pattern as MG SMEDLEY BUTLER was correct -- war is a racket -- as bad advice goes to all sides, wars break out, and George W. Bush's POPPY BUSH OPIUM flows through all hospitals and war zones.

When I studied HOW a TORAH enslaves a FREE MAN with so many rules, the rules are the weapon of the WEAK, in reading the Torah for myself instead of trusting that the Rabbi had read it, I found three wise men -- Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- DO NOT HAVE A TORAH, and the next chapter explains how we fell out of favor with God, but that's only because we PICKED UP the Torah.

The argument from the EINSTEIN on a cross is that NOTHING IS WRITTEN. Look at your hands. TWO commands and EIGHT rules and MARINES returns this nation to a PLAYGROUND. You ever violate the first four, you DISHONOR THE MARINES, who are tedious on their protection of their HONOR. So, the first rule of Heaven on Earth is NEVER BE THE ENEMY OF ANY MARINE.

We were doing hypnosis DUNGEONS and DRAGONS. Players SWORE they battled real monsters in reality.

That's not PTSD. That is an ability to SEE ALL THE BAD GUYS and KILL THEM. Einstein's Special Theory turned up in movies. Lay all movies with beginnings to your LEFT and endings to your RIGHT. If you see any common element in THREE FILMS that look like something TERRIFYING in the news RIGHT NOW, figure out who could have STOPPED IT, and send that person to

Bayer just bought Monsanto, who got busted for WEATHER AS WEAPONRY during the VIETNAM WAR. I let Bayer's CEO know he bought a SMOKING GUN. This weather crap is their fault. The INSTANT BUSH came into office, in the inland Northwest, these jumbo jets in parallel teams of four criss-crossed the inland northwest skies to create ARTIFICIAL CLOUDS to capture INLAND NORTHWEST HIGHLANDS HEAT to create WEATHER AS WEAPONRY in three days time. They got good at it, and are so set to doing this, they never thought about getting caught, but when you realize they are using ARMAGEDDON AS GAME DESIGN SOURCE CODE, you will see the TRAP as the paper of King David was duped into carrying a trap for George BURNING BUSH!

I'm on SSD, the very last story in the first Darwin Awards book, "Evolution In Action." This is my American Idol 2020 entry, "May God Bless Our American Pride" sung to the tune of "(You Picked A Fine Time To Leave Me) Lucille":

Thank you for your SERVICE to my nation. I'm grateful. I tried to raise Marines the old fashioned way. If you like this, please disseminate it. I found a 42 point puzzle in the Gospel of Matthew in 2005 and began asking NICELY to share with MARINES IN MY CHURCH, but was refused by Pastor Steve Eriksen. So, I attempted the old fashioned way:

This nation needs a MIRACLE. I'm allowed to give away the razors to sell the blades. Having spent since 2005 using the internet to build a defensive weapon of mass realization to a world of leaders so everyone awakens from this engineered nightmare, we are just children in a playground, or we are MARINES, or we're history.

Someone caught a virus and wrote a Torah. Please, we actually need a Judgment Day.

I apologize. All of AMERICAN SLAVERY is Judaism's fault. On the back of the US ONE DOLLAR BILL are the tools for me to make an argument only a Jewish person can make. Please hold at arm's length with the ONE beneath your thumb so, from the middle of your mind, you are now looking down different paths to discovery.
To your left, that' s not a pyramid but a road THROUGH the bill as those who are last will be first backwards in space-time. This tool allows your mind's eye to learn how to see through time.
To your right, that's the whole argument: thirteen stars in the SHAPE of the Star of David over E PLURIBUS UNUM on two different ribbons reveal, "IN ALL, ONE, but divided by the LOGIC of the Torah."
The WHITE SLAVE OWNERS blindly trusted the first five books of the Bible, which is our translated Torah. Unfortunately, Torah spells out how to keep slaves and be in this God's grace and service. However, an EINSTEIN on a cross is arguing that NOTHING IS WRITTEN! We goofed!

By exuding values to TORTURE and DISHONOR and SCAPEGOAT and LIE, all four violations reveal a human with inhuman logic. From 2K year-old recon, these are the ZOMBIES.

How do you write a Torah and set a trap for George BURNING BUSH on the shoulders of the most compassionate village idiot's ancestors so that, just before all hell beaks loose, when we read Torah for ourselves to discover three wise men -- Abraham, Issac, and Jacob -- don't have a Torah, we are protected from chaos? The Jewish Torah is a SYSTEM SCRAM. Now, with over 3000 years of humans, the Israelites cannot be of our species. Torah’s LOGIC is not human because…

1. Wise and LEARNED managers NOR PARENTS ever side with some BULLY who pops up as untrained and unapproved management to make ones employees do things one forbids them to do. When one returns, one sides with the meek. Had the Tablets ever actually happened on Earth with Humans, and had Moses been Human, the tablets would never have been broken.

2. Contracts on the table find, in over 3000 years of human law, only redundant copies of contract. There has never been one copy of the contract that is encrypted by the author. Thus, the concept of the Torah as a contract between humans and G-D is impossible in human logic.

3. You would never find only one copy of the instruction manual for the entire internet on one server with its minions doling out information. There were NEVER to be any copies of the Torah. The concept of the Torah as a reference material is impossible in human logic.

Whoever the Israelites are, they were NEVER HUMAN. The concept of the Torah being a foundation for human civilization is not stable for humankind because its logic isn’t human. Thus, Mohammed’s work with the Jinn will finally make sense. There are intellects you can meet in your mind you must never let meet in a material world for their logistics ONLY WORK IN FANTASY. Hence, “ZION” is IMPOSSIBLE. It was the wrong choice as empty hands has NO COUNTRIES and delivers FREEDOM!

When I applied internet tools to world history -- a human is a data packet, lies are viruses and a world map is a calendar year -- I found CHAOS raging behind Torah in space-time, but from over 3000 years ago until 1832, it was randomly based on our position in the Torah and our position on the planet. Gaijin was once our Gentility. Go Forth and Multiply is now Global Over-Population

This pattern changed in 1833 when OPIUM SELLERS in the USA were forced to close their Second US Bank. President Andrew Jackson said he did not want these wicked people in his government.

The villains trotted over to Yale, opened Skulls&Bones, and UNCORKED A BATTERY OF UNIQUE DOUBLE-CROSSES from TORAH'S DESIGN we did not know were here. From 1833 onwards, these GOONS used the Torah to make CIVIL WARS over and over from the US Civil War, the Russian Revolution, Chinese Revolution, HITLER, Korea, Vietnam, and now, they are trying again in the USA but failing due to my role play in reality. FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO as we Jews blindly carried this weapon without comprehension.

I am tracking MACRO-ECONOMICS as TSUNAMI weaponry. These villains have patterns/

Hitler had no idea loans secured in Germany were pulled on cue while Prescott Bush stood next to him. Now, due to George W. Bush, there are FEMA camps with 30,000 guillotines, two billion coffins and trains with shackles, all built by Dick Cheney's Haliburton -- the only contractor. Should Trump upset China and pull their loans, the public will panic uncontrollably, creating a "zombie apocalypse" as written. These wicked people overlooked the trap when nothing is written.

We can't allow people to panic. I have been on this for DECADES so that no one sees what I see until it's absolutely necessary. Someone caught an intelligent parasite and wrote a Torah. I'm Jewish. We goofed. However, since 1833, a band of rich idiots moving opium picked it up and upgraded a battery of unique double-crosses from its design to get wars going without anyone knowing they'd been double-crossed. That's going to stop NOW.

By learning to act like they WROTE THE TORAH -- to betray most those who trust them most -- such wickedness overlooked that three wise men -- Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- don't have a Torah. TOUGH LOVE. When we find what the villains did and we uninstall Torah, anyone using Torah as WEAPONRY OF CHAOS are now exposed and alone. So, when I saw the PATRIOT ACT attack the CONSTITUTION, I FOUND DUTY!

Mohammed is doing battle with an IDENTITY THEFT OF GOD! He, like me, is a member of the PAPER of KING DAVID, and what he is doing is because he was QUESTED by the AUTHOR of the TORAH, for Torah turned out to be computer game design as we do it here in 2020, encrypted by the author, but written from SINAI TO MANNA. Standard literary criticism reveals this touch. Now, it reads like D&D. Seriously, this is the JEWISH MESSIAH. If you want to learn something, new, now is the time. We of the paper of King David left a GAME out in public. There's four books of Rules:

1/2 of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy

The Players Guide


The GAME through the lives of THREE DIFFERENT MOSES as these are THREE QUESTS:

The one fished out of the Nile (Elijah's Quest)
The one that divides the Red Sea (Mohammed's Quest)
The one that unites the Red Sea (Aquarius'es Quest, the role I am performing)

We have SIX BOOKS, not five, and in D&D-type style when you compare to the TWO COMMANDS using thumbs and EIGHT RULES using fingers and MARINES TO KILL THE ENEMY. With empty hands and a universal legend, there only one rule to reality. Never be the enemy of any Marine so your enemy is ONLY IN YOUR IMAGINATION! Love your enemy and keep it in your imagination so everyone on the planet has one common enemy: The author of the Torah and ANYONE ACTING LIKE WRITING MORE CHAOS!

The family of David needed to protect the MEEK by getting something past the MEAN who want to make something happen so they are the LAST ONES LEFT ALIVE. Such wicked people apparently never considered the trap when NOTHING IS WRITTEN so, in the foreground, we REBOOT HEAVEN ON EARTH while, in the background, WE GIVE COVER SO OUR MARINES KILL A COUP!

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