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Our Entire Civilization Is Fake And Stupid

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Sep 10, 2022, 1:56:43 AM9/10/22

Look at all of you.

Everything is FAKE about you.

aka the REAL GOVTs but you still DELUDE yourselves that you live in

None of you have ANY CONTROL over your OWN brain contents, to REMOVE the
POISON injected into your brains by the EVIL Intelligence Agencies.

All of you are SHIT SCARED to even UTTER A WORD against CIA NSA MI6 MI5
ASIS ASIO etc, even though all of you are law abiding citizens.

What does that say about YOU?

All of you should INTROSPECT and DISINFECT your own minds. You have a


Our Entire Civilization Is Fake And Stupid

You're not jaded; everything really is just as phony and vapid as it looks.

I say this because if you are reading this it's likely the result of a
personal quest for truth which has led to a gradual peeling away of the
lies our society is made of. Your eyes probably found this text because
you're the sort of person who's been trying to make sense of the world
in a sea of propaganda and deception, which often results in a growing
disgust not just with the power structures which oppress and tyrannize
humanity, but with our entire civilization.

This experience is very common for people like yourself, and it's very
common because it arises from a clear perception of reality. From the
very beginning human civilization has been built around serving the
interests of the powerful, from religion to philosophy to the arts to
law. As the world has gotten smaller and it's become possible to
artificially manufacture culture with mass-distributed media, this has
only become more the case.

That's why the more you learn about the world, the more fake and stupid
our civilization looks. It's because it is fake and stupid. Our news,
our entertainment, our jobs, our legal systems, our political systems,
our education systems, our financial, monetary, economic and commercial
systems; the way our entire civilization is structured and organized has
nothing to do with what's true and good and everything to do with
keeping human organisms compliantly turning the gears of capitalism and

Mainstream culture is one giant psyop geared toward keeping people
fueling the oppression machine. Not because of some grand conspiracy
(though there's plenty of that too), but because the manufacturers of
culture have a vested interest in preserving our unwholesome status quo.
The media are owned by plutocrats who have an interest in making sure
everything they're putting out sustains the imperial status quo upon
which their kingdoms are built. The Pentagon has more influence over
Hollywood than people like you or I ever will.

Things get elevated to mainstream levels of attention and influence by
the people with the wealth and power to elevate them, and they're always
going to elevate things which serve their interests by manufacturing
consent for the status quo their wealth and power are premised upon, not
things which harm their interests like material that expands class
consciousness or highlights the depravity of the US-centralized empire.

So mainstream culture presents a fraudulent image of reality. It's
written into the code of everything that's mass produced — not just in
Prager University lectures on the evils of socialism or propagandistic
news stories about weapons of mass destruction, but in sitcoms, in
advertisements, in clothing brands, in pop music, in textbooks, in
trends. When it's not constant messaging that capitalism is totally
working and the world is ordered in a more or less sane and truth-based
way, it's manipulations designed to shape our values and measures of
self-worth to make us into better gear-turners.

If you're noticing this ubiquitous fraudulence, it's not because you're
becoming distant from the rest of society, it's because you're becoming
more intimate with it. You're getting in real close, so close you can
see the nuts and bolts of it, see how the sausage is made.

So if this is happening to you, don't worry. You're not turning into
some kind of jaded hipster who's too cool for what everyone else is
into, you're just seeing the bullshit for what it is. Sure a rejection
of mainstream culture can just be pure ego-driven "look at me I'm so
special" crap, but it's also what happens when you sincerely move in for
a closer look at the mass-scale psychological fabric of human civilization.

This is what Terence McKenna was talking about when he said "The cost of
sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation." And it's what
Jiddu Krishnamurti was pointing at when he said "It is no measure of
health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." A lucid
perception of reality today will necessarily be accompanied by the
ever-present smell of bullshit.

And that's not your fault. It's not your fault that you were born into
this world where so much of everything is fake and stupid. So be gentle
with yourself in your sense of alienation. And take comfort in knowing
that others see what you're seeing too.

But mainly learn to take comfort in the fact that, just underneath the
logos and screens and suburbs and Hollywood actors pretending to be
people, reality is roaring. There's a whole world of wonder and
authenticity shining ferociously from just beneath the surface. It's
just got nothing to do with the artificial culture that's been
mass-produced by the powerful and funneled into our minds.

Underneath all the social engineering and power-serving control
mechanisms, there's a whole life of raw terrestriality that is much,
much older and much, much stronger than the lies of the machine. You can
see it crackling everywhere, even in the densest parts of the matrix.

You can see it in the sky. You can see it in the bushes and the pigeons.
But you can also see it in the bus billboards and skyscrapers, in the
flashing signs and blaring screens. And you can see it in the
giant-brained bipedal primates you're surrounded by each day, hiding
just behind the dance of imperial fraudulence in their heads. You can
see it even in those who are most asleep at the wheel, the most enslaved
to the mind viruses of the machine, if you look. Once you learn to see
it, you can observe nature winking at you even from inside the most
rage-faced pundits and most self-absorbed social natterers. It's there.

In reality this sense of alienation is just an awkward transition phase
between buying into the imperial dreamworld and a deep, deep intimacy
with humanity as it really is beneath all the obnoxious programming.
Beyond the revulsion at the phony facepuppets, something ancient,
authentic, and exuberant is dancing. And it is more real and more true
than our disgust with this civilization.

Look closer and you see the fraudulence. Look even closer and you see
what's real. Your sense of alienation is entirely valid and based in
truth, but we're not meant to stay there. Truth beckons us forward.
Truth is beckoning us all forward. And these mind cages they have built
for us aren't real enough to hold us in for much longer.
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