I have a site at http://members.nbci.com/mahlers/womp.htm It is about
Janet & Chris Morris of M2 Technologies Inc. and non-lethal
technologies-weapons in general. Twice I found NIPR.MIL in my website
tracking report from Extreme tracking. There is no website for NIPR.MIL.
I found the URL, http://cap.nipr.mil and the page lists tht it is a
Department of Defense monitoring agreement form for people who have a .MIL
Please let me know what NIPR.MIL is.
William K. Mahler
54 Sea Street Ext. Apt. #26
Hyannis, MA U. S. A. 02601
ICQ: 14407421
> I have a site at http://members.nbci.com/mahlers/womp.htm It is about
>Janet & Chris Morris of M2 Technologies Inc. and non-lethal
>technologies-weapons in general. Twice I found NIPR.MIL in my website
>tracking report from Extreme tracking. There is no website for NIPR.MIL.
> I found the URL, http://cap.nipr.mil and the page lists tht it is a
>Department of Defense monitoring agreement form for people who have a .MIL
> Please let me know what NIPR.MIL is.
NIPRnet is a DoD network. Beyond that there isn't much more to say.
SPC Robert W. White
31U, OKARNG, 45th SIB
Always Forward!
There is a little bit more to say. It's an unclassified network and
some guy was probably just surfing the web at work or something and
checked out Mahler's page. The computer at our CQ desk is hooked up
to it. Maybe next time I go to the company, I'll go to his webpage a
bunch of times just to freak him out.
Just so folks know, and I don't know if Bill W does, but "WK Mahler" is a
nutcase. He's convinced that the US Governmentis beaming bozo beams into his
home to try and stop him from telling the "truth", whatever that is... He uses
a LOT of circular logic that goes nowhere. Responses to him are ill-advised.
Last time, he stayed here two weeks until everyody froze him out.
Happy Fat Tuesday! V-Man
<*> A Knight is sworn to Valor, His Heart knows only Virtue
=/\= His Blade defends the Weak, His Word speaks only Truth
(-o-) His Wrath undoes the Wicked
> I have a site at http://members.nbci.com/mahlers/womp.htm It is about
>Janet & Chris Morris of M2 Technologies Inc. and non-lethal
>technologies-weapons in general. Twice I found NIPR.MIL in my website
>tracking report from Extreme tracking. There is no website for NIPR.MIL.
> I found the URL, http://cap.nipr.mil and the page lists tht it is a
>Department of Defense monitoring agreement form for people who have a .MIL
> Please let me know what NIPR.MIL is.
NIPR.mil (AKA 'Nipernet') is a backbone military network system.
Typically handles non-classified information within the .mil domain.
(And are a real pain to deal with. Something about knowing that their
customers are required to use their service.)
"Keep looking below surface appearances. Don't shrink
from doing so (just) because you might not like what
you find."
General Colin Powell
You are invited to Pennsylvania Avenue wearing a straight jacket and you are
required to take Thorazine.
BTW, Velovich- At least I have the NADS to use my real name, post my real
address and tell the truth. Unlike you you moron.
"V-Man" <velo...@aol.com.CanDo> wrote in message
>You are invited to Pennsylvania Avenue wearing a straight jacket and you are
>required to take Thorazine.
>BTW, Velovich- At least I have the NADS to use my real name, post my real
>address and tell the truth. Unlike you you moron.
Do you really think that the rest of us even care about whether
Velovich posts under an internet handle? When you have a life, these
things are not important.
I care. It's a matter of integrity.
>> Do you really think that the rest of us even care about whether
>> Velovich posts under an internet handle? When you have a life, these
>> things are not important.
>I care. It's a matter of integrity.
In what manner does this reflect on his integrity? He simply does not
choose to reveal his real name, nor does he try to fool anybody with a
false name.
BTW, how can you be sure I am posting under my real name? All you
have is my word for it.
Ladies and gnetlemen of the jury, the Prosecution rests...
>On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 22:37:31 GMT, "W. K. Mahler"
><lwma...@mediaone.net> wrote:
>> I have a site at http://members.nbci.com/mahlers/womp.htm It is about
>>Janet & Chris Morris of M2 Technologies Inc. and non-lethal
>>technologies-weapons in general. Twice I found NIPR.MIL in my website
>>tracking report from Extreme tracking. There is no website for NIPR.MIL.
>> I found the URL, http://cap.nipr.mil and the page lists tht it is a
>>Department of Defense monitoring agreement form for people who have a .MIL
>> Please let me know what NIPR.MIL is.
>NIPR.mil (AKA 'Nipernet') is a backbone military network system.
>Typically handles non-classified information within the .mil domain.
>(And are a real pain to deal with. Something about knowing that their
>customers are required to use their service.)
And cousin of the equally operationally obnoxious SIPR.MIL (Secure
Internet Protocol Relay). So now you can guess what the N' stands
SPC Robert W. White
31U, OKARNG, 45th SIB
Always Forward!
A *healthy* paranoia is the beginning of sound operational thought.
> Just so folks know, and I don't know if Bill W does, but "WK Mahler" is a
>nutcase. He's convinced that the US Governmentis beaming bozo beams into his
>home to try and stop him from telling the "truth", whatever that is... He uses
>a LOT of circular logic that goes nowhere. Responses to him are ill-advised.
>Last time, he stayed here two weeks until everyody froze him out.
Yeah. I've run itno him on other groups in my sorted past when I
posted under a different name.
Thought I'd try to get him a little worked up. He can be
SPC Robert W. White
31U, OKARNG, 45th SIB
Always Forward!
A *healthy* paranoia is the beginning of sound operational thought.
>What do you mean by "A *healthy* paranoia is the beginning of sound
>operational thought"?
To quote the cartoon character 'Foghorn Leghorn:'
"Its a joke, son."
I'm not sure of the origin, but it sounds like an 'inside' joke from
somebody on a military staff.
Reverse Lookup Result: bu-wcs2-sand.nipr.mil
Lookup Result:
WHOIS command: whois.nic.mil nipr.mil
DOD Network Information Center (NIPR-DOM)
7990 Science Applications Court
MS CV-50
Vienna, VA 22183-7000
Domain Name: NIPR.MIL
PLA: [None specified]
Technical Contact:
System, Administrator (AS3)
(800) 365-3642 (FAX)(703) 676-1749
Administrative Contact:
DoD, Hostmaster (HOSTMASTER)
(800) 365-3642 (FAX)(703) 676-1749
Record last updated on 14-Feb-2000.
Domain servers in listed order:
Please be advised that this whois server only contains DOD
All INTERNET Domain, IP Network Number, and ASN records are
kept in the
Internet Registry, RS.INTERNIC.NET.
DNS records for: nipr.mil
MAPS RBL check: is not in the RBL
DLA Systems Automation Center (NETBLK-DLA-C)
3990 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43216
Netblock: -
Maintainer: DNIC
Cassell, James (JC536-ARIN) JCAS...@CRCC.DISA.MIL
(614) 692-9549 (FAX) (614) 692-9129
Domain System inverse mapping provided by:
Record last updated on 13-Jun-1997.
Database last updated on 12-Feb-2001 18:27:49 EDT.
I hope this answers your question.
Rocco Rosano
Reynoldsburg, Ohio
>What do you mean by "A *healthy* paranoia is the beginning of sound
>operational thought"?
What do you think I mean?
>Okay, so how does it all pertain to me Colin?
Does it pertain to you, specifically? Or is it *just* a .sig file?
SPC Robert W. White
31U, OKARNG, 45th SIB
Always Forward!
A *healthy* paranoia is the beginning of sound operational thought.
Non-secure Internet Protocol Router (NIPR)
>Okay, so how does it all pertain to me Colin?
You asked:
"What do you mean by "A *healthy* paranoia is the beginning of sound
operational thought"?"
I was simply answering your question. Most people tend not to be
surprised when they get an answer in response to a question.
W. K. Mahler
"Rocco Rosano" <rocco...@ameritech.net> wrote in message
>You tell me.
Is it the full moon again?
>On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 00:40:56 GMT, "W. K. Mahler"
><lwma...@mediaone.net> wrote:
>>You tell me.
>Is it the full moon again?
Oh, no, Colin. Clearly I was directing my new .sig file to him.
(Or was that "them?" I forget.)