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"Religion in the U.S. Military"

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May 25, 2004, 4:53:05 PM5/25/04
Religion in the U.S. Military
total members on active duty: 1,399,751

Protestants 586569
Catholics 306859
Mormons 16103
Muslims 4154
Jews 3781
Buddhists 3339
Atheists 2432
Hindus 545
unknown 113238

from U.S. DOD


May 25, 2004, 5:15:57 PM5/25/04


May 25, 2004, 11:05:27 PM5/25/04

> total members on active duty: 1,399,751
> Protestants 586569
> Catholics 306859
> Mormons 16103
> Muslims 4154
> Jews 3781
> Buddhists 3339
> Atheists 2432
> Hindus 545
> unknown 113238
> from U.S. DOD

I think the number on active duty is larger. Keep in mind that a large
majority of the people classified as "unknown" choose that because the "dog
tags" have the religion printed on them. We were told to put "no preference"
or "no religion" because if we were caught in a Islamic country with
"Christian" or something like that on it then we would be treated badly.

la n.

May 26, 2004, 12:09:05 AM5/26/04

BadBender <> wrote in message

Believe it or not, in the 2001 Canadian Census, 20,000
Canuckistanians declared themselves to be of the Jedi religion:

Some 20,000 Canadians worship at the altar of Yoda

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

OTTAWA -- May the Force be with you. And also with you. Amen.

An astonishing 20,000 Canadians declared themselves to be followers
of the religion of Jedi, the guardians of peace and justice in the Star
Wars flicks, Statistics Canada reported Tuesday in the latest, and
final, data to come from the 2001 census

< snip >

- nilita (who says there would be peace on earth if everybody
became jedis)


May 26, 2004, 6:25:31 AM5/26/04

> Believe it or not, in the 2001 Canadian Census, 20,000
> Canuckistanians declared themselves to be of the Jedi religion:
> B57-B40B-087D8F38CF6F
> Some 20,000 Canadians worship at the altar of Yoda
> Tuesday, May 13, 2003
> OTTAWA -- May the Force be with you. And also with you. Amen.
> An astonishing 20,000 Canadians declared themselves to be followers
> of the religion of Jedi, the guardians of peace and justice in the Star
> Wars flicks, Statistics Canada reported Tuesday in the latest, and
> final, data to come from the 2001 census
> < snip >
> - nilita (who says there would be peace on earth if everybody
> became jedis)
That's awesome.

Message has been deleted

Colonel Polyps

May 26, 2004, 10:51:14 AM5/26/04

"Mike" <> wrote in message

You mean the forced religion statistics.

Start asking people if they are christian and do they see angels and


May 26, 2004, 11:34:17 AM5/26/04
>You mean the forced religion statistics.

Military personnel are not required to provide any religions preference. How do
you "force" a statistic?

la n.

May 26, 2004, 12:04:20 PM5/26/04

BadBender <> wrote in message

You like that? I expect the numbers to go up in the next
Census as people become more jaded by religion and
wars ... :)

- nilita (novice Jedi)


May 26, 2004, 10:27:48 PM5/26/04

> > That's awesome.
> >
> >
> You like that? I expect the numbers to go up in the next
> Census as people become more jaded by religion and
> wars ... :)
> - nilita (novice Jedi)

Yeah, that's pretty neat. Instead of a Bible or Koran you can use a kick ass
light saber!


May 26, 2004, 10:29:48 PM5/26/04

> >
> > I think the number on active duty is larger. Keep in mind that a large
> > majority of the people classified as "unknown" choose that because the
> > "dog tags" have the religion printed on them. We were told to put "no
> > preference" or "no religion" because if we were caught in a Islamic
> > country with "Christian" or something like that on it then we would be
> > treated badly.
> That's pretty stupid advice from your chain of command. Any Westerner is
> considered a Christian anyway, what your dog tags say won't make a bit of
> difference.
> Besides, there are still one million Christians [Catholic and Orthodox] in
> Iraq, its not like they aren't used to being around them. Go to Baghdad
> you'll see quite a few churches.

I didn't have a choice in my chain of command. I though it sounded kind of
silly when they told me it but then again every bit helps. I've been to
Baghdad and I didn't see a single "church". If they were there they were

la n.

May 27, 2004, 1:09:47 AM5/27/04

BadBender <> wrote in message


- nilita (living in la Vida Yoda)

Message has been deleted

Colonel Polyps

May 27, 2004, 9:39:28 AM5/27/04

"Harvey4066" <> wrote in message

Religious federal holidays.

I am declared Catholic. I do not beleive in ghosts, angels or satan. The
only power I beleive in is the force that keeps me on the ground while
the earth spins around at a tremendous speed. If I stopped believing in
that force I would sail off into space.

All christians worship a torture device and I do not want to be on a
statistic chart stating so.

Now Grandpa Bomb, Maryland 1758, was a great force. My relatives smoked
pot with George Washingotn at Valley Forge. And they had even a bigger
party at Yorktown.

Death to Christian Warriors.


May 27, 2004, 12:39:35 PM5/27/04
>Religious federal holidays.

I guess your'e talking about Christmas. Ought to be outlawed, violation of the
First Amendment.
Harvey C. Scobie
Radcliff, KY


May 27, 2004, 1:09:45 PM5/27/04
Harvey4066 wrote:
||| Religious federal holidays.
|| I guess your'e talking about Christmas. Ought to be outlawed,
|| violation of the First Amendment.

Why? How so?

For some, it is a day to share one's love of others by giving gifts, and for
them may not have any other meaning than that one.

Colonel Polyps

May 28, 2004, 1:06:35 PM5/28/04

"~Nins~" <> wrote in message

> Harvey4066 wrote:
> ||| Religious federal holidays.
> |||
> ||
> || I guess your'e talking about Christmas. Ought to be outlawed,
> || violation of the First Amendment.
> Why? How so?

Selling votes. Separation of church and state.
Taxation without representation.

> For some, it is a day to share one's love of others by giving gifts,
and for
> them may not have any other meaning than that one.

Don't shove it down my throat.
If my grandpa Bomb were alive today he'd speak some very soft words to

Death to christian warriors.

Ajax Telamon

May 29, 2004, 8:52:18 PM5/29/04
At least there are a couple of thousand atheists in foxholes.
Ajax Telamon
"In the end, more than the
Athenians wanted freedom,
they wanted security. They
wanted a comfortable life
and they lost it all - security,
comfort and freedom.
When the freedom they wished
for most was freedom from responsibility,
then Athens ceased to be free."
- General Omar Bradley

"Mike" <> wrote in message

Colonel Polyps

May 30, 2004, 7:38:43 AM5/30/04
My opinion is if they started allowing agnostics to peacefully assemble
war would be unnecessary..

voodoo disease 666

"Ajax Telamon" <> wrote in message

Message has been deleted

Colin Campbell

Sep 5, 2004, 11:26:57 PM9/5/04
On Sun, 05 Sep 2004 23:27:10 GMT, Mapanari
<> wrote:

>A real go to Iraq and get your head cut off for being a
>christian or jew.
>You come back to the States when Bush wins re-election, and you're
>discharged, demoted or fined under the new Bush regime for being anything
>but a Christian.

What a lame attempt at trolling.

"Keep looking below surface appearances. Don't shrink
from doing so (just) because you might not like what
you find."
General Colin Powell


Sep 6, 2004, 8:39:01 AM9/6/04
Colin Campbell wrote:
> On Sun, 05 Sep 2004 23:27:10 GMT, Mapanari
> <> wrote:
>> A real go to Iraq and get your head cut off for
>> being a christian or jew.
>> You come back to the States when Bush wins re-election, and you're
>> discharged, demoted or fined under the new Bush regime for being
>> anything but a Christian.
> What a lame attempt at trolling.

Actually, he's probably serious. Dead wrong, but serious. Welcome to the
democratic process of 2004.

Though, just out of curiosity, even assuming that I avoid getting my head
cut off for being a Christian, how would I find myself unemployed for -not-
being a Christian? And since the Jews own everything, anyways, why do they
have to worry. Seems like those in the greatest risk in the Middle East are
the safest here.

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