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Save the date: Open Gov Plan consultations April 28

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Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP

Mar 17, 2016, 4:24:39 PM3/17/16

Hello colleagues!


As agencies begin planning for their 2016 Open Government Plan updates, we wanted to ask you all to save the date for the afternoon of April 28 for a stakeholder consultation session between agencies and civil society.


Much like 2014, we will bring together interested agencies and civil society colleagues to discuss outlines, drafts, or ideas for commitments for agency Open Government Plans which are scheduled to be updated by June 1, 2016.


Per the commitment in the third Open Government National Action Plan, OMB and OSTP are finalizing the updated Open Government Plan Guidance for 2016 and that should be out very soon to aid with planning on both sides.


We will share more details as we get closer, but for now please hold the date!




Corinna Zarek

Senior Advisor to the U.S. Chief Technology Officer

The White House




Stephen Buckley

Apr 15, 2016, 7:02:34 PM4/15/16
to White House's Open Government Working Group
Hi Cori,

I look forward to getting more details about your upcoming "stakeholder consultation session" in D.C. on April 28th (mentioned below) where individual reps from federal agencies will be available, "college fair-style", to discuss their agency's Open Government Plan.

Although you missed the Open Government Working Group meeting this past February, you may have heard that I reminded the attendees that, while most advocates of OpenGov are unable to participate in such face-to-face meetings because they live outside the D.C. commuting area, it is still possible and very easy, nowadays, for them to participate online.

I could, for example, do a livestream Q&A session with agency reps at their individual tables.  However, I don't want them to startle them if I take out my smartphone and hold it up to them we are speaking. ("Uhhhh, are you recording this?")  Alternatively, I could set up a post-event discussion that uses screen-sharing and call-in Q&A with an agency's rep (with no download necessary).  

But I need to know: If some kind of of online participation is okay with an agency rep on-site at the event, is that okay with you?  Before I travel all the way down to D.C., I just want make sure that it is permissible, under approved conditions, to use technology to improve civic engagement at the April 28th event (e.g., to talk about how federal agencies can use technology to improve civic engagement).

As a matter of fact, President Obama was advocating that very thing last month at #SXSW (search for "technology").

Now if I had a list of agency contacts for OpenGov, then I could check with them myself to see if there would be any concerns about having their words about Open Government recorded in an open manner. (!)  And if they did have concerns, then maybe that should be something addressed in the next version of their agency's OpenGov Plan.

However, I don't have a list of those OpenGov contacts but, in your assigned role, I strongly suspect that you do.  And so, since there is no way for me to know how many of them belong to this email-group (or are reading this message), would you please forward this message to them so that they will know how to contact me directly?

If you do that, and if I get no response from a particular agency, then I will have to assume (until shown otherwise) that they have no great desire to participate in an open discussion about their Open Government Plan.

But I hope that is not the case.  So I'd appreciate your feedback and thoughts on how use this opportunity to show how technology can expand and improve the #OpenGov discussion by being more inclusive with those advocates who are outside the D.C. area.


Steve Buckley, #OpenGov liaison
International Association for Public Participation, U.S. Chapter
Collaboration Engineer
Cape Cod, Mass.
G: 508-348-9090

screen-share by appt. (no download):

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Daniel Schuman

Apr 15, 2016, 8:36:28 PM4/15/16
to Stephen Buckley, White House's Open Government Working Group
Hey Steve,

Just FYI, I believe Cori is on personal travel until the 28th, so you may not receive a prompt response from her. I think that Meredith Stewart is now working to coordinate this process. At the last civil society meeting, the issue of how to bring non-local folks in came up with some ideas addressed. I don't remember all the details, but someone else might.

With best wishes on a Friday evening,


Daniel Schuman
Demand Progress | Policy Director

Megan Eskey

Apr 17, 2016, 12:34:44 PM4/17/16
to US Open Government,
The Open Government Partnership is calling for private sector participation in the OpenGov planning process.  

Please add a stakeholder meeting with the private sector as part of the process.

Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP

Apr 18, 2016, 12:16:56 PM4/18/16
to Megan Eskey, US Open Government
Hi Megan,

‎The consultation session scheduled for April 28 is intended for all civil society stakeholders including the private sector. And to be sure we're on the same page, this is for U.S. Agencies' own Open Government Plans, not a U.S. National Action Plan for the OGP -- though we agree, civil society input is important for all open government efforts.

We hope our colleagues from all parts of civil society will plan to join on the 28th.


From: Megan Eskey
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2016 4:19 PM
To: US Open Government
Cc: Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP
Subject: Re: Save the date: Open Gov Plan consultations April 28

The Open Government Partnership is calling for private sector participation in the OpenGov planning process.

The Missing Link: How to Engage the Private Sector in OGP - See more at: ><#sthash.vTGkLTbZ.dpuf

Please add a stakeholder meeting with the private sector as part of the process.

On Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 1:24:39 PM UTC-7, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP wrote:

Hello colleagues!

As agencies begin planning for their 2016 Open Government Plan updates, we wanted to ask you all to save the date for the afternoon of April 28 for a stakeholder consultation session between agencies and civil society.

Much like 2014, we will bring together interested agencies and civil society colleagues to discuss outlines, drafts, or ideas for commitments for agency Open Government Plans which are scheduled to be updated by June 1, 2016.

Per the commitment in the third Open Government National Action Plan<>, OMB and OSTP are finalizing the updated Open Government Plan Guidance for 2016 and that should be out very soon to aid with planning on both sides.

Meredith Stewart

Apr 19, 2016, 6:16:16 PM4/19/16
to, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP, Wright, Pamela
Hi Civil Society Colleagues!

Next Thursday, April 28, from 1 - 3 p.m., we will be hosting a stakeholder consultation session for agencies and civil society on agencies' 2016 Open Government Plans. Please respond to this email to RSVP to attend by COB Tuesday, April 26.

We will meet in the Innovation Hub at the National Archives Building. You should enter the Research Entrance at 700 Pennsylvania Ave, process through the airport-style security, and then present an ID to enter the building.

We will plan to kick off the session at 1:00 with a series of lightning talks from civil society on topics related to agency Open Government Plans. This is an opportunity for you to preview/pitch what you'll talk about with agencies and start the conversation.  Please let us know in your response if you would like to do a lightning talk and on what topic. Then we will move to a "college fair" style set-up where civil society colleagues can visit with the participating agencies.

We expect to have at least 10 agencies participating in the session and we will share the list of agencies via this email list in advance of the session. While this particular event will be focused on in-person participation, we welcome anyone to share suggestions or thoughts for agencies' Open Gov Plans via this list.

Thanks! See you next week!

Meredith + the Open Gov team

Meredith Stewart
Office of Innovation 
National Archives and Records Administration

Apr 19, 2016, 6:42:00 PM4/19/16
to US Open Government,,
Hi Corrina, Hi Meredith, 

I may be alone here in little Asheville in terms of grasping the value of off the shelf Citrix Podio for doing open community strategy. I definitely have a ‘virtual Incubator' (thanks to the Podio platform) with my Open Strategic Innovation workspace template. It takes me less than an hour to set teams up and I have a brief training process. Podio has one of the greatest mobile apps of any category and still has a free option. Of course some Scandinavians came up with Podio. Podio is used by over 500,000 organizations now. 

Much, much more can be done with Podio than alternatives like Slack. Podio does math, among other benefits.

I would be so grateful if you both and other US GOV folks would be willing to check out what my Podio workspaces are like. I should have a chance at these seed grants. I also think OSTP and other parties should see how average citizens are coming up with perfectly viable City Web solutions:

I find it really impossible to get attention to this otherwise ideal solution. It makes the American Dream look sad.

Thank you,
Grant Millin, Innovation Strategist and Owner InnovoGraph LLC - Strategic Innovation Services and Management Consulting Sustain NC Developer PO Box 9446 Asheville, NC 28815 Cell: 828.423.2266 Email: URLs: / AboutMe Page: InnovoGraph makes strategic innovation work.

Daniel Schuman

Apr 20, 2016, 10:23:36 AM4/20/16
to Meredith Stewart,, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP, Wright, Pamela

Thanks for arranging the consultation.

Here are the recommendations we submitted:

I realizing that coordinating this is difficult, but could you let us know which agencies are planning to attend and/or the POC?

Also, as OMB as been tardy on its open government plans, having failed to issue one for 2012 and 2014 and having made a commitment to issue one in 2016, can you ask them for an update as to when they expect to release theirs?

For what it's worth, I'm happy to do a lightening talk if agencies are interested--particularly on our recommendations for improving how they proactively disclose information-- but I am most interested in having enough time to chat with them one-on-one as possible.

With best wishes,


Daniel Schuman
Demand Progress | Policy Director


Megan Eskey

Apr 21, 2016, 12:28:36 PM4/21/16
to US Open Government,,
Can you call out the RSVP email for those not on the cc: list?  Would like to attend but will need a virtual meeting space since I am in California.  Most of the federal agencies have those capabilities.

thanks, Megan

Grant Millin

Apr 21, 2016, 2:50:45 PM4/21/16
to US Open Government,,, Megan Eskey
Hi Meredith, Hi Corinna, Hi Pamela,

I have set up an Open Strategic Innovation workspace in Citrix Podio to allow these 2016 Open Government Plan activities and analysis to proceed with those who cannot attend in person. Blessings to Google, and by all means continue to post basic information in the Open Gov Google Group, but message threads are difficult virtual engagement experiences.

If the Federal 2016 Open Government Plan teams are willing, please post the plans in a Google Drive folder and I will attach each plan to a Podio app form.

While I am working on a way to streamline on-boarding, there are two basic steps for each workspace member and at least one for me:

1) Get a Citrix Podio account:

2a) Email me letting me know you have a Podio account:

2b) I invite you to the Podio workspace. 

I suggest grabbing the excellent Podio mobile app too.

Once we work through the plans there are a number of ways to take feedback and publish our collective findings all connected with this Podio workspace. I am happy to answer any questions and have a seminar to cover why Podio is a great format for this kind of analysis where many remote stakeholders need to be involved.

Best wishes,

Grant Millin, Innovation Strategist and Owner
InnovoGraph LLC - Strategic Innovation Services and Management Consulting
Sustain NC Developer
PO Box 9446
Asheville, NC 28815
Cell: 828.423.2266
URLs: / 
AboutMe Page:

InnovoGraph makes strategic innovation work.

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Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP

Apr 21, 2016, 4:42:35 PM4/21/16
to Grant Millin, US Open Government,, Megan Eskey
Hi Grant,

Many thanks for this great suggestion for the online collaborative platform. As you may know, Federal agencies must have agreed-upon terms of service‎ in order for their employees to use particular sites. I'm not familiar with Podio but we can look into whether such terms exist. If they yet do not, it is unlikely we can get our lawyers in all participating agencies to sign off with Podio by next Thursday.

We remain open to suggestions for collaborative opportunities, but are limited by the legal requirements placed upon us.


From: Grant Millin
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 8:50 PM
To: US Open Government
Cc: Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP;; Megan Eskey
Subject: Open Gov Plan consultations April 28 via Open Strategic Innovation on Citrix Podio

Hi Meredith, Hi Corinna, Hi Pamela,

I have set up an Open Strategic Innovation workspace in Citrix Podio to allow these 2016 Open Government Plan activities and analysis to proceed with those who cannot attend in person. Blessings to Google, and by all means continue to post basic information in the Open Gov Google Group, but message threads are difficult virtual engagement experiences.

If the Federal 2016 Open Government Plan teams are willing, please post the plans in a Google Drive folder and I will attach each plan to a Podio app form.

While I am working on a way to streamline on-boarding, there are two basic steps for each workspace member and at least one for me:

1) Get a Citrix Podio account: ><

2a) Email me letting me know you have a Podio account:<>

2b) I invite you to the Podio workspace.

I suggest grabbing the excellent Podio mobile app too.

Once we work through the plans there are a number of ways to take feedback and publish our collective findings all connected with this Podio workspace. I am happy to answer any questions and have a seminar to cover why Podio is a great format for this kind of analysis where many remote stakeholders need to be involved.

Best wishes,

Grant Millin, Innovation Strategist and Owner
InnovoGraph LLC - Strategic Innovation Services and Management Consulting
Sustain NC Developer
PO Box 9446
Asheville, NC 28815
Cell: 828.423.2266
URLs: >< / ><
AboutMe Page: ><

InnovoGraph makes strategic innovation work.

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On Apr 21, 2016, at 12:27 PM, Megan Eskey <<>> wrote:

Can you call out the RSVP email for those not on the cc: list? Would like to attend but will need a virtual meeting space since I am in California. Most of the federal agencies have those capabilities.

thanks, Megan

On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 3:16:16 PM UTC-7, meredith.stewart wrote:
Hi Civil Society Colleagues!

Next Thursday, April 28, from 1 - 3 p.m., we will be hosting a stakeholder consultation session for agencies and civil society on agencies' 2016 Open Government Plans. Please respond to this email to RSVP to attend by COB Tuesday, April 26.

We will meet in the Innovation Hub at the National Archives Building. You should enter the Research Entrance at 700 Pennsylvania Ave, process through the airport-style security, and then present an ID to enter the building.

We will plan to kick off the session at 1:00 with a series of lightning talks from civil society on topics related to agency Open Government Plans. This is an opportunity for you to preview/pitch what you'll talk about with agencies and start the conversation. Please let us know in your response if you would like to do a lightning talk and on what topic. Then we will move to a "college fair" style set-up where civil society colleagues can visit with the participating agencies.

We expect to have at least 10 agencies participating in the session and we will share the list of agencies via this email list in advance of the session. While this particular event will be focused on in-person participation, we welcome anyone to share suggestions or thoughts for agencies' Open Gov Plans via this list.

Thanks! See you next week!

Meredith + the Open Gov team

Meredith Stewart
Office of Innovation
National Archives and Records Administration

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP <> wrote:

Hello colleagues!

As agencies begin planning for their 2016 Open Government Plan updates, we wanted to ask you all to save the date for the afternoon of April 28 for a stakeholder consultation session between agencies and civil society.

Much like 2014, we will bring together interested agencies and civil society colleagues to discuss outlines, drafts, or ideas for commitments for agency Open Government Plans which are scheduled to be updated by June 1, 2016.

Per the commitment in the third Open Government National Action Plan<>, OMB and OSTP are finalizing the updated Open Government Plan Guidance for 2016 and that should be out very soon to aid with planning on both sides.

We will share more details as we get closer, but for now please hold the date!


Corinna Zarek

Senior Advisor to the U.S. Chief Technology Officer

The White House

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Megan Eskey

Apr 21, 2016, 4:45:31 PM4/21/16
to US Open Government,
Excellent.  Here is NASA's OpenGov plan

My recommendation for a Flagship Initiative for NASA's next OpenGov plan is to leverage the new federal open source policy and exponential tech in general to tackle one of the hardest and most far reaching issues in the US today: income/wealth inequality.

I did some work back in 2009 at NASA Ames that could serve as a foundational architecture, but there have been many tech advancements since then that make a virtual incubator for govtech an ideal Flagship Initiative for any of the federal agencies.

My concept is called the Mars Underground 2.0 and would require private sector stakeholder participation to make it a great success.  The basic concept is to build these virtual incubators (there could be others for health, transportation,etc.) using open source components only.  Open source hardware would be another way to expand the reach of these incubators around the world. A virtual incubator is really a perfect fit for OpenGov, tapping into all of the core focus areas: open source, open innovation, open leadership, and open policy making (new policies will surely be required).

On Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 1:24:39 PM UTC-7, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP wrote:

Grant Millin

Apr 21, 2016, 5:33:05 PM4/21/16
to Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP, US Open Government,, Megan Eskey
Great, Corinna. 

I will see if Megan wants to check out how I start going over the NASA OGP. 

Please look for US GOV Citrix (i.e. GoToMeeting) agreements. Thankfully Podio was acquired by Citrix in 2012. There are over 500,000 organizations using Podio now so we aren’t talking about a new app startup by any means.

Podio has improved how they describe what they offer over the years. For whatever reason this Podio brochure is still a little hard to locate on the web:

Thank you,

Grant Millin, Innovation Strategist and Owner
InnovoGraph LLC - Strategic Innovation Services and Management Consulting
Sustain NC Developer
PO Box 9446
Asheville, NC 28815
Cell: 828.423.2266
URLs: / 
AboutMe Page:

InnovoGraph makes strategic innovation work.

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Grant Millin

Apr 21, 2016, 6:05:51 PM4/21/16
to Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP, US Open Government,, Megan Eskey
Hi Corinna,

I think the US Government has procured and used Citrix products, of which Podio is just one of a couple dozen Citrix tools:

Whatever the Citrix product, in this case Podio, it looks like Citrix most likely is serving the US Government in some way already. Podio may be new for some agencies, but that’s why there are Podio Authorized Partners like me ready to go to work.

By the way I am an honorably discharged veteran so thank you for noticing my solution provider offer, Corinna.


Grant Millin, Innovation Strategist and Owner
InnovoGraph LLC - Strategic Innovation Services and Management Consulting
Sustain NC Developer
PO Box 9446
Asheville, NC 28815
Cell: 828.423.2266
URLs: / 
AboutMe Page:

InnovoGraph makes strategic innovation work.

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Stephen Buckley

Apr 22, 2016, 12:28:00 AM4/22/16
to, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP, Wright, Pamela
Hi Meredith,

I am responding to your invitation (below) to present a "lightning talk" as part of the consultation session next week in D.C. with federal agencies for suggesting improvements in their 2016 Open Government Plans.

I would be speaking on behalf of the U.S. chapter of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2-USA) about its guiding principles, first developed over 20 years ago, as its "Three Pillars for Effective Public Participation" ( ):

1.  IAP2 developed the Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation for use in developing and implementing public participation processes to help inform better decisions that reflect the interests and concerns of potentially affected people and entities.
2.  The IAP2 Code of Ethics is a set of principles, which guide us in our practice of enhancing the integrity of the public participation process. As practitioners of Public Participation, we hold ourselves accountable to these principles and strive to hold all participants to the same standards.
3.  The IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum describes the range of participation levels for the public in a decision process.

IAP2-USA is a nonprofit organization with 700+ members in government agencies, academia, consulting firms, and other non-profits that are dedicated to:

 •  Increasing Knowledge of Public Participation through events, publications, webinars and other communications efforts
 •  Providing Training opportunities and technical assistance to improve Public Engagement
 •  Creating Partnerships with like-minded organizations
 •  Promoting Results-oriented research
 •  Advocating for Public Participation to enhance decision-making in Government and Industry
 •  Creating Networking opportunities to share Best Practices, case studies, and other information

And, Meredith, would you please let us know the time allowed for each "lightning talk", so that we might better prepare out remarks?  Thanks!


Stephen Buckley, #OpenGov liaison

International Association for Public Participation, U.S. Chapter
Collaboration Engineer
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
M: 508-348-9090
skype: opengov
screen-sharing (by appt.):


Oscar Noe Avila

Apr 22, 2016, 1:05:49 AM4/22/16
to,,, US Open Government


Is there any group like this one but about cybersecurity law and policies? Thank you.

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Megan Eskey

Apr 22, 2016, 1:47:46 AM4/22/16
to US Open Government,
Whether or not Podio in included in the Federal Terms of Service Agreements,I like this approach much better than the F2F meeting in DC.  Here is the complete list of acceptable tools for feds

The OGP call for proposals to assess progress on Early Initiatives is well timed for the next phase of the planning process. I am still writing my report on NASA's progress and hope to have it completed before this April 28 meeting, but what really stands out for me is that there is no formal oversight for the federal agencies such as the IRM for the country-level plans. So, that is my high-level recommendation for the next phase of plans - to create agency-level Independent Reporting Mechanisms. 

Also I am finding that there are many preexisting reports and dashboards that can be included in a progress report, so no need for me to reinvent the wheel, although they can certainly be improved upon, i.e., the No FEAR Act reports for whistleblower protection, the open data dashboards, some high-level gov-wide open source sites, etc.  Ultimately most of the reporting can be done online and via automated, real-time and "live" editable reports which will be greatly enhanced by including the private sector in the IRM/oversight process.

On Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 1:24:39 PM UTC-7, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP wrote:

J. Albert Bowden

Apr 22, 2016, 5:06:35 PM4/22/16
to US Open Government,
Hi Cori,

I'll be in attendance, and another colleague of mine may possibly be too. Is there a formal list to be put on?


Meredith Stewart

Apr 25, 2016, 12:25:33 PM4/25/16
to, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP, Wright, Pamela
Hi Civil Society Colleagues, 

We are canceling this Thursday's consultation with civil society and will reschedule for a later date. The Administration is still finalizing the guidance and will be extending the deadline for agency Open Government plans and we want to have the most meaningful exchange possible. As part of the rescheduled session, we will explore how to incorporate remote participation, so that civil society could participate in lightning talks both in person and remotely.  


Meredith + the Open Gov Team 

Meredith Stewart
Office of Innovation 
National Archives and Records Administration

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 6:15 PM, Meredith Stewart <> wrote:

Jesse Franzblau

Apr 27, 2016, 1:13:56 PM4/27/16
to Meredith Stewart,, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP, Wright, Pamela

Thank you, Meredith. We look forward to participating in the consultation session at a later date.  


We would like to share a general recommendation for consideration by agencies as they update their 2016 Open Government Plans:


Additionally, here are recommendations we submitted for inclusion in the Justice Department’s Open Government Plan:


All Best,



Stephen Buckley

May 17, 2016, 5:38:31 PM5/17/16
to, Meredith Stewart, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP, Wright, Pamela
Hi Meredith,

Has a new date been set for the "stakeholder consultation session" that was originally scheduled for April 28th?

While I'm glad to read that you and the OpenGov Team are planning to now allow for "remote participation" in addition to "in-person" by civil society, I have not gotten a response to my message of April 15 that originally suggested it, along with some ideas and a request for feedback.

Of course, we can discuss best-practices for "remote participation" right here on the email-group.  But would there be any restriction of federal employees' participation if I were to moderate a live discussion online at (no download needed)?

And, if there is a problem with using, then aren't there other platforms that are GSA-approved for live discussions online?

I'd appreciate yours and any other person's thoughts on that, along with any other ideas for using #civictech to expand and improve the #OpenGov discussion by being inclusive with those who are outside the D.C. area.  Thanks.


Steve Buckley, #OpenGov liaison

International Association for Public Participation, U.S. Chapter
Collaboration Engineer

At 12:24 PM 4/25/2016, Meredith Stewart wrote:
Hi Civil Society Colleagues,

We are canceling this Thursday's consultation with civil society and will reschedule for a later date. The Administration is still finalizing the guidance and will be extending the deadline for agency Open Government plans and we want to have the most meaningful exchange possible. As part of the rescheduled session, we will explore how to incorporate remote participation, so that civil society could participate in lightning talks both in person and remotely.


Meredith + the Open Gov Team

Meredith Stewart
Office of Innovation
National Archives and Records Administration

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 6:15 PM, Meredith Stewart <> wrote:
Hi Civil Society Colleagues!
Next Thursday, April 28, from 1 - 3 p.m., we will be hosting a stakeholder consultation session for agencies and civil society on agencies' 2016 Open Government Plans. Please respond to this email to RSVP to attend by COB Tuesday, April 26.
We will meet in the Innovation Hub at the National Archives Building. You should enter the Research Entrance at 700 Pennsylvania Ave, process through the airport-style security, and then present an ID to enter the building.
We will plan to kick off the session at1:00 with a series of lightning talks from civil society on topics related to agency Open Government Plans. This is an opportunity for you to preview/pitch what you'll talk about with agencies and start the conversation. Please let us know in your response if you would like to do a lightning talk and on what topic. Then we will move to a "college fair" style set-up where civil society colleagues can visit with the participating agencies.

Meredith Stewart

May 17, 2016, 7:31:36 PM5/17/16
to Stephen Buckley, US Open Government, Zarek, Corinna J. EOP/OSTP, Wright, Pamela
Hi Stephen, 

Thanks for your question and suggestions. We are still waiting on the finalized guidance for agency open government plans, so we have not yet rescheduled the joint stakeholder consultation session. 

We will be meeting next Tuesday, May 24 at 1:00 p.m. EST for the May Open Government Working Group meeting at the National Archives Building. Civil Society colleagues are invited to sit in on this quarterly meeting. We will share an agenda with the listserv shortly. 

For next Tuesday's meeting we will try out the use of AT&T Connect for remote screen sharing. This is NARA's approved tool and I am hopeful that we can pull it off well for this meeting and then use it for the lightning talk portion of the rescheduled joint stakeholder consultation session. 

Thank you for your investigation of tools to improve remote participation and even your offers of supporting remote tools. Since this is a Fed Gov hosted meeting we have to use tools that are agency approved and supported to use. We'll try out AT&T Connect on Tuesday, but if another agency offers to provide support for another approved tool, we're open to trying it.  

Meredith + the Open Gov Team 

Meredith Stewart
Office of Innovation 
National Archives and Records Administration

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