White House/OMB: "Broadening Public Participation and Community Engagement with the Federal Government" - #PPCE

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Stephen Buckley

Oct 29, 2024, 11:31:17 AM10/29/24
to US Open Government
Hello All,

Finally, it has come .. the White House's Request for Comments on Public Engagement practices by federal agencies.

I been telling people to expect something from OMB that would come from their RFI (Request for Information) this past spring for setting up a a "federal framework" for "Public Participation/Community Engagement" (PPCE).

That's a mouthful so, personally, I'm going with just "Public Engagement" for now. (Apparently, OMB couldn't decide on something shorter, but the terminology, I assume, is also in draft, so that can be changed.)

Listening sessions are Nov. 13 and 20, with written comments due on Nov. 29 .. so, along with suggestions due on the U.S. Open Government National Action Plan (Version 6.0) on Nov. 12 .. and, the national election next week .. this should be a very interesting month!

Now, if only someone in the Biden-Harris administration could figure out a way to have an open and moderated email-discussion with federal employees .. instead of only real-time "listen-only" events, we might actually "get out of the rut" in which #OpenGov (i.e., democracy improvement) progess has been stuck for years.

Your thoughts?

best regards,

Stephen Buckley
U.S. Open Government Liaison
Int'l. Assn. for Public Participation

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