What is this ancient technology? A mailing list?!? Did you even know this list was still active? Or that you were still subscribed to it? No matter. Despite receiving this mailing list message, the year is indeed 2022, and URUG is having a holiday party!
The plan is simple: a holiday mixer so we can see each other's faces in real life. The last few years have made it difficult to meet in person, and we miss that. So please consider coming to the holiday party!
URUG Holiday Party 2022
Wednesday, December 14, 7pm to 9pm
https://www.meetup.com/utah-ruby-users-group/events/289905200/This is an informal get together, and no presentations are planned. The venue is *not* a company's conference room, which we think will be a welcome change. This is simply a time to come together and get to know everyone again. Or get to know others for the first time! Everyone is welcome and we can't wait to see you again.
We really truly hope to see you there!
P.S. If your company would like to help sponsor refreshments, please get in touch with Ben and Mike.