sketch of models for UE

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mark gross

Jul 24, 2009, 1:14:20 AM7/24/09
The following is a supper early cut at a file for the UE application.

Its really a bunch of comments, but you can see what I'm thinking
about and give some feed back before I code it up to the point where
the admin site works with the fields.

Please have a look and make comments


from django.db import models

# Create your models here.

class EdibleType(modles.Model):
# common name
# formal name
# edibility
# region / Climate zone.
# Season info (typical start, typical end)
# media location for photo
# identification info
# harvesting info
# preparation info
# preserving (storing) info

class User(modles.Model):
# name
# email
# alias

class MedicalUse(models.Model):
# EdibleType foreign key
# use text field
# user foreign key

class Edible(models.Model):
# loc import model from geodjango
# Street address import model from open-streetmaps or google or
some such thing
# user foreign key
# permissions for anonymous access to edible
# type foreign key
# time of submission

class Comment (models.Model):
# submitter (User) foreign key
# time
# comment field
# Edible foreign key
# rating field (int)

class CommentPhoto (models.Model):
# media location
# Comment foreign key

class Recipe(models.Model):
# (Edible, amount) tuple list of foreign keys
# Cooking instructions
# Photo Media location

class RecipePhoto (modles.Model):
# media location
# submitter (User) foreign key
# Recipe

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