Promise Neighborhood Planning and Implementation grant competition

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Tatian, Peter

Jun 27, 2024, 6:10:08 PMJun 27
Dear friends,

The US Department of Education announced a new Promise Neighborhoods grant competition, which was published today in the Federal Register. These grants will be 2 years and are intended to support organizations in doing planning and light implementation of Promise Neighborhood strategies. Competitive preference points are given if you have never received Promise funding in the past. ED's intention is to expand the reach of the Promise Neighborhoods program to organizations who may not yet be ready for full implementation funding.

For those not familiar with Promise Neighborhoods, it is a federal place-based initiative intended to improve educational and other outcomes for communities. From the funding notice:

The purpose of the PN program is to significantly improve the academic and developmental outcomes of children and youth living in the most distressed communities of the United States, including ensuring school readiness, high school graduation, and access to a community-based continuum of high-quality services. The program serves neighborhoods with high concentrations of individuals with low incomes; multiple signs of distress, which may include high rates of poverty, childhood obesity, academic challenges, and juvenile delinquency, adjudication, or incarceration; and adverse childhood experiences; and also serves schools implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under section 1111(d) of the ESEA. All strategies in the continuum of solutions must be accessible to children with disabilities and English learners.

The deadline for applications is September 10, 2024. Urban, as part of the national Promise TTA team, will be helping ED with a series of webinars (schedule to be announced) for applicants, and when the grants are awarded we will be providing TTA to the new grantees.

Please share the announcement with appropriate organizations and networks. 

Thank you!


Peter A Tatian

Senior Fellow

Research Director, Urban-Greater DC

o: 202-261-5588


U R B A N   I N S T I T U T E

Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center


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