Container Gardening 101 and an assignment

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Audrey Eschright

Oct 22, 2008, 3:44:17 PM10/22/08
Laura asked me about getting started with plants in containers on a balcony. I was going to give you a braindump, but then I found a post elsewhere that covers it pretty thoroughly:

Your assignment: plant something. Anything. A small vegetable, an herb, whatever appeals. Wheatgrass will work even in a poorly lit apartment: So will other sprouts. You can buy a number of sproutable things in the bulk section at a health food store. Google for ideas. Ask for help if you're not sure what you can do in the space you have.

If you already have a food garden, this will be easy, but you still have to document it. Take pictures, write about the progress, tell us how it's going. I'll start a discussion thread on the site for people to share things, and give out a weekly award for "most interesting plant status update".

Audrey Eschright

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