The persistent preaching of this gospel will someday bring a new and incredible liberation, intellectual and religious to all nations.
Urantia Book P. 1930
The last days of Jesus on Urantia, he dedicated them to try to get the apostles to understand that their kingdom was not of this world, so that fear of the coming events would not destroy trust and faith in the gospel.
"For a time, many men may hate you, but in these persecutions I will not abandon you. Be patient, do not doubt that this gospel of the kingdom will triumph over the enemies and will finally be preached to all nations "1915
Nowadays, God is not hated en masse, but sometimes ignorance and indifference are more harmful than hatred, because they foment amorality and values are lost. Errors are justified, social injustice is ignored and brotherhood is just a word almost in disuse, because we respect gender diversity and sexual minorities and reject race and social status.
Faced with this vision that the news gives us daily, the Urantians that we should be the apostles of the XXI century we must renew our faith should be increased to "contemplate the manifold and unlimited works of God.51
Truth is a liberating revelation, but love is the greatest of all spiritual realities. Whatever errors may be committed in the organization of the world, I declare to you that the New Gospel will govern Urantia in a future age. "1068
Yolanda silva solano