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Yolanda Silva

Apr 20, 2019, 11:12:29 AM4/20/19

In everything personal, matter is the morontia skeleton and both constitute the reflected shadow of the lasting spiritual reality.
Urantia Book P. 2021



     When the risen Jesus emerged from his grave, the body of flesh in which he had lived and worked on earth for almost thirty-six years, he still lay there in the niche of the tomb, wrapped in the linen shroud, just as he was disposed to do. his rest José and his associates on Friday afternoon.

None of the guards suspected that the object of their vigilance had risen, in a new and higher form of existence, and that the body they were watching was no longer a discarded outer garment with no connection to the morontia personality handed over. and resurrected from Jesus.

 No creature of this universe or personality of other universes, had anything to do with this morontia resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. On Friday, he gave his life as a mortal of the kingdom and on Sunday morning, he re-owned it as a morontia being of the Satania system in Norlatiadek.

     We clarify the concept of the resurrection of Jesus with the following statements:

     1. His material or physical body was not part of the resurgent personality. When Jesus came out of the tomb, his carnal remains remained unchanged in the tomb. He emerged from the tomb, without displacing the stones that closed the entrance and without breaking the seals of Pilate.

     2. He did not leave the grave as a spirit or as Michael of Nebadon; he did not appear in the form of a Sovereign Creator, as he had been before his incarnation in the likeness of mortal flesh on Urantia

     3. He came out of it, in the same resemblance of the morontia personalities of those who, as resurrected ascending beings, emerge from the resurrection halls of the first mansion world of the local system of Satania. "

Excerpt page "2022

Yolanda silva solano

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