Jesus made the cross the eternal symbol of the triumph of love over hatred and the victory of truth over evil.
Urantia Book - Page 2018
We do wrong to maintain the presence of the suffering Christ on the cross, because that fills us with guilt, is a form of submission to established norms. The death of Jesus should motivate us to be better every day, but not because of fear or guilt, but because the love of Jesus leads us to imitate him and to love our brothers as he loves and forgives them
Jesus did not die on the cross, to pay for our sins, that responsibility remains ours and personal. He died to "teach us that our debts will be forgiven to the extent that we know how to forgive." 2017
By accepting to die, he wanted to teach us that death is only a part of life and that therefore we should not fear it, but be willing to fulfill the will of God with the same submission and love that He gave himself to her.
"The cross is not the symbol of the sacrifice of the innocent Son of God, in substitution of sinners, nor to appease the wrath of an offended God." 2019 It is the great door open to all men, so that they may find the love of the Father and rejoice in him.
"The triumph of Jesus' death is summarized in the attitude he had towards those who tormented him and he cried out," Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing. "2018
Yolanda silva solano