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Yolanda Silva

Apr 8, 2019, 11:30:10 AM4/8/19

"Of all human knowledge, the one that has the greatest value is knowing the life of Jesus and how he lived it.

Urantia Book P.2090



I invite you to prepare for the so-called Holy Week, not just holidays and not eat meat ...

 Let's take time to remember what Jesus said as a farewell to each one of the 12 and reflect on his words as if he were telling them in a personal way and ask ourselves: What does Jesus expect from me?
 To Andres he said: «Do not be discouraged by the impending events. Control your brothers firmly and take care that they do not see you depressed. "

To Peter he said: «Do not put your trust in the arm or in the steel. Establish yourself on the spiritual foundations of eternal rocks. "

To Santiago he said: «Do not hesitate because of outward appearances. Remain faithful in your faith, and soon you will know the reality of what you believe in. "

To John he said: "Be tender; love even your enemies; Be tolerant And remember that I have entrusted you with many things ».

To Nathanael he said: "Do not judge by appearances; remain firm in your faith even when everything seems to vanish; be faithful to your mission as ambassador of the kingdom ».

To Philip he said: "Do not be moved by the impending events. It remains immutable, even when you can not see the road. Be loyal to your oath of consecration »

. To Matthew he said: «Do not forget the mercy that received you in the kingdom. May no man take away your eternal reward. Just as you have resisted the inclinations of mortal nature, be willing to be constant. "

To Thomas he said: "Although it is very difficult, now you must walk for what you believe and not for what you see. Do not doubt my ability to complete the work I have begun, until finally I will see all my faithful ambassadors in the kingdom beyond. "

To the twins Alpheus said to them: "Do not let things that you can not understand overtake you. Be faithful to the affection of your heart and do not place your trust neither in great men nor in the changing attitude of the people. Join with your brothers »

. To Simon the Zealot said: "Simon, you can be overwhelmed by disappointment, but your spirit will rise above all things that can happen to you. What you could not learn from me, my spirit will teach you. It pursues the true realities of the spirit and is no longer attracted by unreal and material shadows. "

Judas Iscariot said to him: «Judas, I have loved you and I have prayed that you would love your brothers. Do not get tired of doing good; and I want to warn you to take care of the slippery paths of flattery and the poisoned darts of ridicule. "

Yolanda silva solano


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