The honors among men, nothing mean as to your status in the Kingdom.
Urantia Book P. 1940
Jesus was not satisfied with teaching by the word, He preached by example, the apostles did not understand the Master's attitude when washing their feet, so he told them:
"A servant is not greater than his master; neither is he who is sent greater than who sends him. You have seen the path of service in my life among you, but do you not know that there can be no place of preference at my table?
Do you not understand that I love each one of you as well as others? Do you not know that the place next to me, which means an honor among men, does not mean anything about your state in the kingdom of heaven?
He who wants to be great among you, who is like the smallest and who wants to be a boss, who is like the one who serves. Who is bigger, who sits down to eat, or who serves? If you are willing to be a fellow servant with me to do the will of the Father, in the coming kingdom you will sit with me in power, doing the will of the Father in the future glory. "1940
This story almost does not deserve any comment, it is to be meditated with humility and sincerity, because it is not easy to accept that to be a child of God, we must live the teachings of Jesus. which means being willing not to seek honors, or rewards that flatter our ego, because "of all the dangers that lurk in human nature and risk their spiritual integrity, pride is the worst" 1223
yolanda silva solano