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Jesus did not support ....

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Yolanda Silva

Apr 10, 2019, 11:29:50 AM4/10/19

Jesus did not support the practice of negative submission, to those who knowingly sought to take advantage of those who practice non-resistance against evil.

Urantia Book P.1770



  When Jesus was about to begin his final speech in the Temple, two things happened that caught his attention. For a violent altercation arose, a Jew from Alexandria had been overcharged; At the same time, the atmosphere was filled with the mooing of a herd of oxen that were driven from one of the pens to another

Jesus came down from the teaching platform and, approaching the boy who was driving the cattle, removed the whip from the ropes and quickly pulled the animals out of the temple. But that was not all; Before the surprised look of the thousands gathered in the courtyard of the temple, he went to the cattle corral and proceeded to open the doors of each of the stables and take out the imprisoned animals from there.

 At the moment when the Roman guards appeared, who were near the temple, calm reigned and the crowds had returned to order; Jesus, returning to the platform of the speakers, spoke to the crowd: "You have witnessed this day what is written in the Scriptures: 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations, but you have made it a den of thieves' ».1898

"This cleansing of the temple reveals the attitude of the Master towards the commercialization of the practices of religion, as well as the fact that he detested all forms of injustice and exploitation at the expense of the poor and the ignorant. This episode also shows that Jesus did not approve of the attitude of not using force when it came to protecting a majority of a certain human group, against the unjust and enslaving practices of an unjust minority, possibly entrenched in political, financial or ecclesiastical power. "1891

Yolanda silva solano

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