Reevaluating Technology and Flying

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Wings-Aron Lantz

Nov 2, 2022, 8:12:49 AM11/2/22
to Hyner Club, 'Wings-Aron Lantz' via Upstate NY Free Flyers, RAF,,
Good morning,

I'm on the eve of switching back to a "dumb phone" I had used 20 years ago.  I remember life before cell phones and even that wasn't all that bad :)

Technology has increased so much, social media, advertising, etc. that in some ways we just live with it invading our lives little by little.  Like the frog in the kettle where the temp just goes up a little, and a little more till the frog is cooked.  I'm tired of the "Smart Phone".  I'm drawing my line in the sand...had enough.

What finally pushed me over the edge to de-tech my pocket is that I'm just tired of carrying the internet around with me all the time.  The advertising drove me out.  I'm tired of seeing the algorithmic driven news feeds that do nothing for my morale. I'm tired of paying more a month for 2 phones than I do for my electric bill, and that deliver a nonstop feed of garbage advertising to me...I'm paying this much to see all these ads?  Why on earth am I paying more for my cell phone bill than I am paying for my electric bill?  Why?...not any more!  I'll put the savings into my petrol tank to go flying more!

You can actually watch YouTube videos of people switching back to "dumb phones".  Recently I read this book called "Stolen Focus" by Johan Hari and that reaffirmed some of my own thoughts about social media / phone driven advertising/selfie taking, etc.  Now that we have reliable cell service at Hyner, our even our campfire experience is invaded with the technology.

I thought about getting off of the Google groups for flying clubs also, but I think I'll stay on them for now becase if pilots use them as intended for talking flying opportunities and flight reports, the Google groups are a great tool for coordinating flying.  I know some others use Whatsapp, but I personally refuse to use a Facebook/Meta owned company because of their data collection and advertising model...and do we need yet another way to communicate?  Why not Twitter, Snapchat, Truth Social, Parler, Reddit, Instagram etc too?

Currently when I post about a flying day, I post it on Google group for the club, and perhaps a neighboring club if I think the day is gonna be stellar and worth the drive for them.  But then in addition there are those pilots that refuse to join or use the Google group, so then I send out text messages to those pilots/ group text clusters of folks.

At the end of the day, I might still text my flying friends, but probably one or two word texts and maybe a phone call, and for now I'll post on Google groups.

I remember some long time pilots said they used to communicate flying intentions with 2-meter ham radios...a simpler time, and it probably was pretty effective.

Anyhow, I'll try to go "dumb phone", and see how it goes.

Let's fly soon!


Nov 2, 2022, 9:48:17 AM11/2/22
to, 'Wings-Aron Lantz' via Upstate NY Free Flyers, RAF,,

Good luck.  When I lived in Santa Barbara I used to leave my ham radio plugged in and on all the time as all the pilots used it to coordinate flying and you could talk to those in the air as well, that was 22 years ago but worked well.  You will 100% de stress your life and have more privacy though you may lose out on certain information when away from a computer, i.e. pilots communicating on what’s app, XC skies, listening to tunes in the LZ, etc.


I’ll keep eye out for texts.


Charles Allen

Phone: 917-359-4714

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