care to help the homeless in DC?

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Mar 24, 2016, 10:28:56 PM3/24/16



There is a group of approximately ten homeless men living under the Whitehurst Freeway between the Foggy Bottom neighborhood and Virginia Avenue. I visited them along with two friends last Saturday after observing them daily through the late fall and winter months. Frankly speaking, their living conditions are quite deplorable. The city tore down their tent city in December, but within 30 days, they had reconstituted themselves.


We took an initial inventory of their needs. One of the neat things about the homeless is that they will tell you exactly what they need and want. One man with a toothy grin asked for a Bible written in Spanish.


If you think you have things lying around collecting dust, or feel inclined to purchase something for this effort, please review the below list and let me know what you would like to contribute.


Sleeping bags

Backpacks and gym bags for storing their personal items (i.e., some are reduced to using paper bags for such things)

Men’s size underwear, sweaters, t-shirts, comfortable pants, sweatpants, etc.

Books and magazines in Spanish and English

Tarps to protect them from the elements

A small grill or two for cooking and for staying warm on cold nights

Bottled water (food is not generally an issue; they get two good meals a day at Mariam’s Kitchen, amongst other locales)

Basic toiletries, e.g., toothpaste, brushes, soap, etc.

Perhaps some Easter treats, chocolate bunnies, cake, pie, etc.


Worth noting, given many have lived out of doors for years with little to no healthcare, it was apparent they suffer from forms of chronic infection. I noticed, for example, that a couple of them clearly had gum disease and teeth that were prematurely decaying. If you know any dentists or dental hygienists who would like to do a little pro-bono work, please do let me know.


It is my hope to visit with them again on Holy Saturday to deliver some of these requested items. A drop-off point will be the front porch of my home near the Ballston neighborhood in Arlington.


Kind Holy Week wishes,



“Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, or place, or circumstances, are brought into closer connection with you.” St. Augustine of Hippo

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