Open Letter to Danny Jordaan

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UPM media

2018年2月12日 03:55:482018/2/12
收件人 upm-statements

Dear Mr Danny Jordan


I first wish to acknowledge and congratulate George Weah on his election as a president of Liberia.

During his days as a soccer player, George Weah carried the hopes and aspiration of the people of Liberia, he bought all soccer memorabilia of the national team including travelling and accommodation expenses. Through soccer, people of Liberia continued to hope in a country that was characterised by the civil wars.

Soccer is an expression of hope and love to the working class family who are ruled by the themidor.  We believe that George Weah will continue to work together with the people of Liberia, to make the country a better place, a loving and caring society, a nation of sport.

It is football that kept the dreams and hopes of Billy Shainky alive. When he was employed as a miner, a filthy and dangerous work under the sun, he believed his destiny was football.

His famous quote “Socialism I believe in is everybody working together, for the same goal and everybody having a share in the rewards. That’s how I see football.” Liverpool is a city that dared to fight injustices and oppression.

The above is an illustration of football as a means to fight against injustices and restore hope. To many of us, football either means that or is much more important than that.

Mr President, when Fezekile “Khwezi” Kuzwayo accused Zuma of raping her, I believed her. I believed her because our president is a patriarchal, male chauvinist whose first wife committed suicide due to pain and suffering at the hands of that patriarch.

When Jennifer Ferguson accused you of a rape, I said the jury is out.

In December 2016, SAFA Cacadu held its AGM, we opposed the nomination of Mr Ntabeni due to his criminal record. SAFA statutes are very clear, any person with the criminal record is not eligible to serve or elected. He was found guilty of raping a woman.

This matter was raised with your office in 2014, at the time, Mr Ntabeni was elected Deputy President of SAFA Cacadu. We did not get any response from your office. We brought this matter to the attention of your second self in our region, Mr Ndlelo and Fino and they both disregarded this matter, trampling our SAFA sacred document, being the constitution.  Mr President surely you are aware of Mr. Ntabeni’s criminal record. Recently a letter was addressed to you again, regarding the same matter.

Mr President, rape has reached alarming crisis in our country. One in every three women is raped in South Africa, one in three because there are cases that do not get reported. Half of murdered women in South Africa die at the hands of their boyfriends and men.

Mr President, we said the jury is out on the accusations against you. Don’t you think it is appropriate for the society to start formulating opinions on rape accusation against you, if you dare undermine SAFA constitution and defend someone with a criminal record of rape?

Mr President, again quoting Billy Shainky “some people believe football is a matter of life and death”. I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much much more than that. As football activist, who walk, talk and dream football, we cannot allow our football to be administered by people who have criminal record of rape, people who are homophobic, transphobic, racist and corrupt.

Maybe you should consider these things very seriously or else choose not to stand for SAFA president.



Ayanda Kota

Former President of Makana LFA






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